From Hieronymus Fischer, Mar 27 2014: (Start)
Numbers m such that m == 1 mod j and m > j^2 for any j > 1.
Example: m == 6 mod 10 is a term for m > 6, since m = 6 + 10k = 1 + (2k+1)*5, and m > (2k+1)^2 (for k := 1, m = 16), and m > 5^2 (for k > 1, m > 16).
A187813 and this sequence have no terms in common; this means that for each term a(n) there exists a base b such that the base-b digit sum is b.
Example: m = 1 + 3k, k > 3, is a term, since m > 3(1+3) > 3^2, thus the base-b-digit sum of (m) is = b for any b > 1 (here the base b is k+1 since 1+3k = 2(k+1) + k-1).
In general: Given a term a(n) there are p and q with p >= q > 1 such that a(n) = 1 + p*q. With b := p + 1 we get a(n) = (q-1)*b + b - (q-1), where 1 <= q-1 < b, which implies that the base-b digital sum of a(n) is = q-1 + b - (q-1) = b.
This sequence is the complement of the disjunction of A187813 with A239708. This means that a number m is a term if and only if there is a base b > 2 such that the base-b digit sum of m is b.
Hieronymus Fischer, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
a(n) = A002808(n) + 1.
A239703(a(n)) > 0. - Hieronymus Fischer, Apr 10 2014
Vladeta Jovovic, Jan 31 2003
Edited by Charles R Greathouse IV, Mar 19 2010