Consider a room of size r X s where rs = 2n and 1 <= r, 1 <= s; count ways to arrange n Tatami mats in room; a(n) = total number of ways for all choices of r and s. Two arrangements are distinguished if one is a rotation or reflection of the other.
2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 28, 28, 42, 70, 90, 122, 204, 260, 386, 592, 824, 1192, 1810, 2558, 3764, 5580, 8064, 11794, 17438, 25338, 37144, 54626, 79762, 116852, 171650, 250984, 367874, 539668, 790110, 1157912, 1697978, 2487050, 3645012, 5343444
Tatami mats are of size 1 X 2; at most 3 may meet at a point.
For n=3 there are 3 incongruent tilings, shown below. These can be rotated to produce 8 tilings, so a(3)=8.
._____. ._____.
|___| | | | | | .___________.
|___|_| |_|_|_| |___|___|___|
(* See link for Mathematica programs. *)
c[r_, s_] := Which[s<0, 0, r==1, 1 - Mod[s, 2], r == 2, c1[2, s] + c2[2, s] + Boole[s == 0], OddQ[r], c[r, s] = c[r, s - r + 1] + c[r, s - r - 1] + Boole[s == 0], EvenQ[r], c[r, s] = c1[r, s] + c2[r, s] + Boole[s == 0]];
c1[r_, s_] := Which[s <= 0, 0, r == 2, c[2, s - 1], EvenQ[r], c2[r, s - 1] + Boole[s == 1]];
c2[r_, s_] := Which[s <= 0, 0, r == 2, c2[2, s] = c1[2, s - 2] + Boole[s == 2], EvenQ[r], c2[r, s] = c1[r, s - r + 2] + c1[r, s - r] + Boole[s == r - 2] + Boole[s == r]];
t[r_, s_] := Which[r>s, t[s, r], OddQ[r] && r>1, 2 c[r, s], True, c[r, s]];
A067925[n_] := Module[{i, divs}, divs = Divisors[2 n]; Sum[t[divs[[i]], 2 n/divs[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[divs]}]];
Table[A067925[n], {n, 1, 50}] (* Jean-François Alcover, May 12 2017, copied and adapted from Dean Hickerson's programs *)
Cf. A052270 for number of incongruent tilings, A068920 for table of number of tilings of an r X s room.
Sequence in context: A089033 A049422 A178215 * A323102 A331627 A102431
Yasutoshi Kohmoto Mar 05 2002
Edited by Dean Hickerson, Mar 11 2002