'Eban' numbers (the letter 'e' is banned!).
(Formerly M1030)
2, 4, 6, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46, 50, 52, 54, 56, 60, 62, 64, 66, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2030, 2032, 2034, 2036, 2040, 2042, 2044, 2046, 2050, 2052, 2054, 2056, 2060, 2062, 2064, 2066, 4000, 4002, 4004, 4006, 4030, 4032, 4034, 4036, 4040, 4042, 4044, 4046, 4050, 4052, 4054, 4056, 4060, 4062, 4064, 4066, 6000
Invented by N. J. A. Sloane circa 1990.
Theorem (N. J. A. Sloane): in English every odd number contains an 'e'.
The first number that would appear in the British Eban list but not the American list is 2*10^21. - Douglas Boffey, Jun 21 2012
A085513(a(n)) = 0. - Reinhard Zumkeller, Jan 23 2015
J. C. Hernandez et al., "Characterization of Eban numbers", pp. 197-200, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, 31 (3) 2002-2003.
Georges Perec, La disparition, Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1969; English translation: A Void, Harvill, 1994. (A novel that does not use the letter "e".)
Georges Perec, Les Revenentes [a novel in which the only vowel that appears is 'e']. - From Simon Plouffe, Mar 12 2010
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
Roel and Bas van Dijk, Numerals package, Hackage (Haskell packages)
Brady Haran and N. J. A. Sloane, What Number Comes Next? (2018), Numberphile video
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Eban Number
2052 is in the sequence because written out in English words, "two thousand fifty-two", it does not contain a single instance of the letter E.
2053 (two thousand fifty-three) is not in the sequence because written out it contains two instances of E.
(Magma) [ n : n in [1..100] | forall{ i : i in [1..#seq] | seq[i] in eban[(i-1)mod 3+1]} where seq is Intseq(n) ] where eban is [[0, 2, 4, 6], [0, 3, 4, 5, 6], [0]]; // Sergei Haller (sergei(AT)sergei-haller.de), Dec 21 2006
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text); import qualified Data.Text as T (unpack)
import Text.Numeral.Grammar.Reified (defaultInflection)
import qualified Text.Numeral.Language.EN as EN -- see link
a006933 n = a006933_list !! (n-1)
a006933_list = filter (T.all (/= 'e') . numeral) [0..] where
numeral :: Integer -> Text
numeral = fromJust . EN.gb_cardinal defaultInflection
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Jan 23 2015
from num2words import num2words
[n for n in range(6001) if 'e' not in num2words(n)] # Indranil Ghosh, Jul 05 2017
(PARI) is(n)=!setsearch(Set(Vec(English(n))), "e") \\ See A052360 for English(). - M. F. Hasler, Apr 01 2019
Cf. A082504.
Cf. A085513, A008520 (complement), A008521 (ban o), A008523 (ban t), A089589 (ban i), A089590 (ban u), A014254 (a French version), A287876 (a Hebrew version).
Cf. A008537 (without 'n'), A072956 (turban numbers: without r, t or u), A072957 (urban numbers: without r or u), A089589 (without 'i').
Sequence in context: A284919 A279419 A077633 * A046847 A339759 A121069
More terms from WG Zeist, Aug 28 2012
More cross-references from M. F. Hasler, Apr 01 2019