Equivalence classes of invertible maps from {0,1}^n to {0,1}^n, under action of permutation of variables on domain and range. - Sean A. Irvine, Mar 16 2011
N. J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1973 (includes this sequence).
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
M. Caric and M. Zivkovic, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..8
M. Caric, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..14
Marko Caric and Miodrag Živkovic, On the number of equivalence classes of invertible Boolean functions under action of permutation of variables on domain and range, arXiv:1603.04386 [math.CO], 2016.
M. A. Harrison, The number of classes of invertible Boolean functions, University of Michigan, Technical Note, 1962.
M. A. Harrison, The number of classes of invertible Boolean functions, J. ACM 10 (1963), 25-28.
M. A. Harrison, The number of classes of invertible Boolean functions, J. ACM 10 (1963), 25-28. [Annotated scan of page 27 only]
C. S. Lorens, Invertible Boolean functions, IEEE Trans. Electron. Computers, EC-13 (1964), 529-541.
C. S. Lorens, Invertible Boolean functions, IEEE Trans. Electron. Computers, EC-13 (1964), 529-541. [Annotated scan of page 530 only]
n = 20; (* the value of n is chosen here *)
e = Table[2, {n}]; (*the sequence e*)
DD = Divisors[k];
e[[k]] = (2^k - Sum[DD[[j]] e[[DD[[j]]]], {j, 1, Length[DD] - 1}])/
k, {k, 2, n}]
PP = IntegerPartitions[n]; npp =
Length[PP]; (*the list of partitions of n*)
(*the maximum length of a cycle in sigma'*)
mlcm = Apply[Max, Table[Apply[LCM, PP[[p]]], {p, npp}]];
(*decompositions of n corresponding to partitions*)
P = Table[0, {i, npp}, {j, n}];
Do[Do[P[[ipp, PP[[ipp, i]]]]++, {i, Length[PP[[ipp]]]}], {ipp, npp}]
EmptyList = Table[0, {j, mlcm}]; (*used to initialize spec(sigma')*)
Vn = 0; Do[(*the main loop through all partitions of n*)
PPP = PP[[p]]; np = Length[PPP]; (*current partition*)
Spec = EmptyList; (*initialization of spec(sigma')*)
divsets = {};
nd = 1;
Do[(*k is the index of the current Partition element*)
DD = Divisors[PPP[[k]]];
AppendTo[divsets, DD];
nd *= Length[DD], {k, 1, np}];
(*divsets is the list of the sets of divisors of cycle lengths in \
Descartes = Tuples[divsets]; (* nd is the length of Descartes *)
Do[ (*loop through Descartes product *)
product = Descartes[[id]];
npr = Length[product];
lcm = 1; prx = 1; pry = 1;
(* Theorem 2 *)
lcm = LCM[lcm, product[[ipr]]];
prx *= product[[ipr]];
pry *= e[[product[[ipr]]]], {ipr, npr}];
Spec[[lcm]] += prx*pry/lcm, {id, nd}];
(* Theorem 1 *)
numerator = Product[i^Spec[[i]] Spec[[i]]!, {i, Length[Spec]}];
denominatorr = Product[i^P[[p, i]] P[[p, i]]!, {i, n}];
sum = numerator/denominatorr^2;
Vn += sum, {p, npp}]
Print[{"V_n = ", Vn}] (* Marko Caric, Jan 30 2016 *)
a(6) from Sean A. Irvine, Mar 15 2011