Infinite palindromic word (a(1),a(2),a(3),...) with initial word w(1) = (1,0) and midword sequence (a(n)); see Comments.
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Below, w* denotes the reversal of a word w, and "sequence" and "word" are interchangable. An infinite word is palindromic if it has infinitely many initial subwords w such that w = w*.
Many infinite palindromic words (a(1),a(2),...) are determined by an initial word w and a midword sequence (m(1),m(2),...) of palindromes, as follows: for given w of length k, take w(1) = w = (a(1),a(2),...,a(k)). Form the palindrome w(2) = w(1)m(1)w(1)* by concatenating w(1), m(1), and w(1)*. Continue inductively; i.e., w(n+1) = w(n)m(n)w(n)* for all n >= 1. Examples follow:
initial word midword sequence inf. palindr. word |w(n)|
w(1) = 10 m(i) = a(i) A260390 A083329
w(1) = 01 m(i) = a(i) A260393 A083329
w(1) = 011 m(i) = a(i) A260394 A000225
w(1) = 110 m(i) = a(i) A260397 A000225
w(1) = 101 m(i) = a(i) A035263 A000225
w(1) = 100 m(i) = a(i) A260444 A000225
w(1) = 001 m(i) = a(i) A260445 A000225
w(1) = 010 m(i) = a(i) A260446 A000225
w(1) = 0 m(i) = i A007814 A000225
w(1) = 123 m(i) = a(i) A260449 A000225
w(1) = 132 m(i) = a(i) A260450 A000225
w(1) = 231 m(i) = a(i) A260451 A000225
w(1) = 213 m(i) = a(i) A260452 A000225
w(1) = 321 m(i) = a(i) A260453 A000225
w(1) = 312 m(i) = a(i) A260454 A000225
w(1) = 0 (see A260455) A260455 A081254 (conjectured)
w(1) = 1 (see A260456) A260456 A081254 (conjectured)
As a sort of (obvious) converse of the above method for constructing infinite palindromic words, every such word is determined by an initial segment w(1) and a midword sequence (m(n)), where terms of the latter may be the empty word.
a(n) = 1 - A260393(n).
w(1) = 10, the initial word.
w(2) = 10101 ( = 10+1+01, where + = concatenation)
w(3) = 10101010101 = w(2)+0+w(2)*
w(4) = w(3)+1+w(3)*
u[1] = {1, 0}; m[1] = {u[1][[1]]};
u[n_] := u[n] = Join[u[n - 1], m[n - 1], Reverse[u[n - 1]]];
Table[Length[u[n]], {n, 1, 20}] (* A083329 *)
Flatten[Position[u[8], 0]] (* A260391 *)
Flatten[Position[u[8], 1]] (* A260392 *)
Clark Kimberling, Jul 31 2015