Number of maximally clustered permutations in S_n; the maximally clustered permutations are those that avoid 3421, 4312 and 4321.
1, 1, 2, 6, 21, 78, 298, 1157, 4539, 17936, 71251, 284188, 1137076, 4561093, 18333337, 73816489, 297635750, 1201551286, 4855672249, 19640147061, 79501958895, 322037615290, 1305256267511, 5293166568270, 21475362822956, 87166344495561, 353933533606927
Equals INVERT transform of A001700 prefaced with a "1": (1, 1, 3, 10, 35, 126, 462, ...). - Gary W. Adamson, Dec 26 2008
Row sums of A155083. - Paul Barry, Jan 19 2009
Hankel transform is n+1. - Paul Barry, Jul 31 2010
INVERT transform of A088218. - Michael Somos, Jan 01 2014
INVERT transform is A073525. - Michael Somos, Jan 09 2014
Paul Barry, On a transformation of Riordan moment sequences, arXiv:1802.03443 [math.CO], 2018.
David Callan, Toufik Mansour, and Mark Shattuck, Twelve subsets of permutations enumerated as maximally clustered permutations, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, 47 (2017) pp. 41-74.
H. Denoncourt and B. Jones, The enumeration of maximally clustered permutations, arXiv:0704.3469 [math.CO], 2007-2008.
Jozsef Losonczy, Maximally clustered elements and Schubert varieties, Annals of Combinatorics 11 (2) (2007) 195-212.
G.f.: 1+(2x^2) / (-1+4x-2x^2+sqrt(1-4x)).
G.f.: 1 + x * (1 - 4*x + 2*x^2 + sqrt(1 - 4*x)) / (2 * (1 - 5*x + 4*x^2 - x^3)). - Michael Somos, Jan 01 2014
G.f.: 1+x/(1-x-x/(1-2x-x^2/(1-2x-x^2/(1-2x-x^2/(1-... (continued fraction). [From Paul Barry, Jan 19 2009]
G.f.: 1+x/(1-x-x/(1-x-x/(1-x-x^2/(1-x-x/(1-x-x^2/(1-x-x/(1-x-x^2/(1-x-x/(1-x-x^2/(1-x-x/(1-x-x^2/(1-... (continued fraction). - Paul Barry, Jul 31 2010
a(n) = sum(m=1..n-1, sum(k=1..n-m, k*binomial(m+k-1,m-1)*binomial(2*(n-m),n-m-k))/(n-m))+1, a(0)=1. - Vladimir Kruchinin, Oct 11 2011
a(n) is the upper left term in M^n, M = an infinite square production matrix with (1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... powers of 2) as the left border, as follows:
1, 1, 0, 0, 0, ...
1, 1, 1, 0, 0, ...
2, 1, 1, 1, 0, ...
4, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
... - Gary W. Adamson, Nov 14 2011
D-finite with recurrence (n-1)*a(n) + 3*(5-3*n)*a(n-1) + 6*(4*n-9)*a(n-2) + (41-17*n)*a(n-3) + 2*(2*n-5)*a(n-4) = 0. - R. J. Mathar, Nov 15 2011
0 = a(n) * (16*a(n+1) - 74*a(n+2) + 120*a(n+3) - 66*a(n+4) + 10*a(n+5))+ a(n+1) * (-62*a(n+1) + 361*a(n+2) - 480*a(n+3) + 265*a(n+4) - 41*a(n+5)) + a(n+2) * (-342*a(n+2) + 615*a(n+3) - 335*a(n+4) + 54*a(n+5)) + a(n+3) * (-90*a(n+3) + 75*a(n+4) - 15*a(n+5)) + a(n+4) * (-3*a(n+4) + a(n+5)) if n>0. - Michael Somos, Jan 01 2014
G.f.: 1 / (1 - x / (1 - x / (1 - 2*x / (1 - x / (2 - 3*x / (1 - 2*x / (3 - 4*x / ... ))))))). - Michael Somos, Jan 09 2014
G.f.: 2/(2-x-x/sqrt(1-4*x)). - Michael Somos, Jan 09 2014
a(n) ~ 1/(r^(n-1) * (2*r - 2 + (16*r^2 - 60*r + 65)*sqrt(1-4*r))), where r = 1/3*(4 - (2/(25-3*sqrt(69)))^(1/3) - (1/2*(25-3*sqrt(69)))^(1/3)) = 0.2451223337533... is the root of the equation 5*r-4*r^2+r^3 = 1. - Vaclav Kotesovec, Jan 12 2014
G.f.: x/(2-x-C(x)) where C(x)=(1-sqrt(1-4*x))/(2*x) is the g.f. for Catalan numbers A000108. - David Callan, Dec 03 2015
a(5)=78 because there are 78 permutations of size 5 that avoid 3421, 4312 and 4321.
G.f. = 1 + x + 2*x^2 + 6*x^3 + 21*x^4 + 78*x^5 + 298*x^6 + 1157*x^7 + 4539*x^8 + ...
a[ n_] := SeriesCoefficient[ 1 + 2 x^2 / (-1 + 4 x - 2 x^2 + Sqrt[1 - 4 x]), {x, 0, n}]; (* Michael Somos, Jan 01 2014 *)
a[n_] := 1+Sum[(m Binomial[2(n-m), n-m-1] Hypergeometric2F1[m+1, m-n+1, n-m+2, -1])/(n-m), {m, 1, n-1}]; Table[a[n], {n, 0, 26}] (* Jean-François Alcover, Dec 14 2018, after Vladimir Kruchinin *)
(Maxima) a(n):=if n=0 then 1 else sum(sum(k*binomial(m+k-1, m-1)*binomial(2*(n-m), n-m-k), k, 1, n-m)/(n-m), m, 1, n-1)+1; /* Vladimir Kruchinin, Oct 11 2011 */
Cf. A108600.
Cf. A001700. - Gary W. Adamson, Dec 26 2008
Sequence in context: A277221 A360168 A129776 * A235391 A254316 A279562
Brant Jones (brant(AT)math.washington.edu), May 17 2007
a(0)=1 prepended by Alois P. Heinz, Dec 04 2015