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User talk:Mark Stander

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Graphs, Digraphs, and Other Animals

Congratulations on the approved sequences A306296-A306301! But I believe that they require some further work.

As I and J. A. have noted in the comments, undirected graphs are actually a subset of directed graphs. One could consider graphs with two types of undirected edges (as you have already done in your comment to A109345), but then we cannot count them by simply adding the number of graphs having only one and only another type of edge.

Similar reservations apply to the unlabeled/labeled graphs idea: both labeled and unlabeled graphs belong to a wider class of labeled graphs that can have identical labels. And if we declare that either all labels should be the same or all different, then the formula becomes, in fact, primary definition.

Hence I suggest renaming these new sequences (making the formulas primary definitions) and maybe exploring the above-mentioned wider classes of graphs.

Perhaps consider enabling the "Email this user" option in your OEIS Wiki preferences.

--Andrey Zabolotskiy (talk) 02:57, 15 March 2019 (EDT)