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User talk:David Rideout

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Hi David,

 I received your message about your Jeremiah sequence.  I'll get back to in a few days.


Hi Hilarie,

Thank you for your response. Below I sketch a possible resolution. I am happy to discuss this in more depth if there is interest.


notmaths keyword proposal

Define a new keyword, for example notmaths, which indicates that the sequence is not mathematically defined. Attempt to write down a precise definition for this keyword. I suspect that this may be difficult to achieve. If so, devote a page on the wiki to the 'I know it when I see it' definition, with some examples.

Retroactively apply this keyword to notmaths sequences according to whatever schedule works well.

Decide whether to reject new proposals with this keyword, or not, and publish this decision somewhere. This could lead to a deep discussion, involving the practicalities of storing a subset of an uncountably infinite set...

Hi David,

 The "examples of rejected sequences" page does note "the number of bars in Beethoven's nth symphony" is an inappropriate sequence, and there is now a further note about text analysis.  The few examples you noted are marked as "dead".  I'm sorry that your well-meant sequence fell into an inconsistency in the OEIS's policy, but I hope that the clarification will help other potential contributors from experiencing the same confusion.  Good luck with your Jeremiah research.


Hi Hilarie,

 Thank you for looking into this.  I see that the other sequences based on the Bible no longer appear in my search.  That adds consistency between the contents of the encyclopedia and posting guidelines.
 Just for completeness -- how about A011554?  Surely this is not maths.  I suppose such sequences are just left over from an era with different editorial policies?

Thanks again, David