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User:Noam Zeilberger
From OeisWiki
I'm interested in connections between lambda calculus/logic and combinatorics. Recently, I've been especially interested in connections between linear lambda calculus and the combinatorics of rooted maps and of the Tamari lattice (most of which were discovered via the OEIS of course!). This page is just an attempt at keeping track of some of these related sequences on the OEIS.
Linear lambda calculus
- Linear terms: A062980, A267827, A000698, A000699
- Planar terms: A000168, A000260, A002005, A000309
- Normal terms: A000698, A000699, A000168, A000260
- Unitless terms: A267827, A000309, A000699, A000260
Rooted maps
- Planar maps: A000168, A000260, A002005, A000309, A000139, A000257
- Combinatorial maps: A000698, A000699, A062980, A267827
- 3-valent maps: A062980, A267827, A002005, A000309
- Bridgeless maps: A267827, A000309, A000699, A000260
- Maps by genus: A053979, A266240
- Hypermaps: A000257
Tamari lattice
Other sequences