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User:M. F. Hasler
Maximilian F. Hasler
To contact me, you may send me a message using the toolbox link E-mail this user (if you are logged in). You may also benefit from the power of wiki syntax to compose your message on my "User talk" page (click on [+] to add a new section), but a short e-mail could to increase hope for a quick answer.
On this wiki, I contribute pages within the main namespace, but also some pages with personal notes concerning specific sequences I worked on, and general considerations. Most of this is still in my "User talk" name space, but should be moved to the User name space. See /Subpages for a (hopefully complete) directory of, or guide to the subpages.
Short bio
Academic position and education:
- University professor in mathematics at Université des Antilles, Martinique. F.W.I.
- Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Université de la Méditerranée, Aix-Marseille II - Luminy, France.
- Magistère of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (DEA de Physique Théorique)
- Diplom-Physiker from Universität Karlsruhe, Germany.
Research interests:
- algebras of generalized functions (functorial & sheaf-theoretical aspects, algebraic analysis, applications)
- number theory (integer sequences; computational number theory; primality tests)
- mathematical models of nature (in various meanings: from classical & quantum gauge field theory to epidemiology and models for hurricanes).
See or for more information.