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User:María Merino

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María Merino Maestre

BSc in Mathematics, University of the Basque Country, 1999.

Ph.D., University of the Basque Country, 2005.

Department of Mathematics, University of the Basque Country.

Main contributions to OEIS:

- Yosu Yurramendi, Maria Merino (2013) Number of binary pattern classes in the (2,n)-rectangular grid with k '1's and (2*n-k) '0's, where k=6,7,8. A228581 , A228582 , A228583

- Yosu Yurramendi, Maria Merino (2013) Number of binary pattern classes in the (m,n)-rectangular grid with k '1's and (m*n-k) '0's, where m=4..10. A225812, A228022, A228165, A228166, A228167, A228168, A228169

- Maria Merino, Imanol Unanue, Yosu Yurramendi (2017) Number of inequivalent nXn matrices over GF(k) under action of dihedral group of the square D_4 , where k=6..10. A286392 , A286393 , A286394 ,A286396 , A286397

- Maria Merino, Imanol Unanue, Yosu Yurramendi (2017) Number of pattern classes in the (n,m)-rectangular grid with k colors and n>=m, two patterns are in the same class if one of them can be obtained by a reflection or 180-degree rotation of the other, where k=3..10. A283432 , A283433, A283434 ,A286893 , A286895, A286919 , A286920 , A286921 , A283435

- M. Merino, I. Unanue (2017) Number of inequivalent n X n matrices over GF(k) under action of dihedral group of the square D_4, with one-kth of 1's, ..., k's (ordered occurrences rounded up/down if n*n != 0 mod k), where k=3..10. A286447 , A286525 , A286526 , A287239 , A287245 , A287249 , A287250 , A287261

- M. Merino, I. Unanue (2017) Number of inequivalent n X m matrices under action of the Klein group, with one-kth each of 1's, ..., k's (ordered occurrences rounded up/down if n*m != 0 mod k), where k=3..10. A286892, A287020 , A287021 , A287022 , A287377 , A287378 , A287383 , A287384

- Imanol Unanue, Maria Merino, Jose A. Lozano (2019) Number of permutations of {1..n} at Kendall tau distance k of s1 and k+1 of s2, where d(s1,s2)=1. A307429