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User:Charles R Greathouse IV/Pari
From OeisWiki
See User:Charles R Greathouse IV/Format for a script to format b-files.
Christian G. Bower has a script file with code for the basic transformations used in the OEIS.
Here's some really ugly code that works out a recurrence relation, given the first few terms of the sequence. Usage: rec(1,1,2,3,5,8) or rec(v), where v is a vector.
rec(v[..])=if(#v==1&&type(v[1])=="t_VEC",v=v[1]);findrec(v) addhelp(rec, "rec(v): Tries to find a homogeneous linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients to fit the vector v."); findrec(v:vec, verbose:bool=1)={ my(c,d = (#v - 1) >> 1, firstNonzero = 0); if (#v < 3, warning(Str("findrec: Not enough information to determine if the sequence is a recurrence relation: matrix is underdetermined. Give more terms and try again.")); return ); forstep(i=d,1,-1, if(v[i] != 0, firstNonzero = i) ); if(firstNonzero == 0, if(verbose, print1("Recurrence relation is a(n) = 0."); ); return([0]~); ); for (i=firstNonzero,d, c = findrecd(v,i,verbose); if(c, return(c)) ); if(verbose,print("Cannot be described by a homogeneous linear recurrence relation with "d" or fewer coefficients.")); 0 }; addhelp(findrec, "findrec(v, {verbose=1}): Tries to find a homogeneous linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients to fit the vector v."); findrecd(v:vec, d:int, verbose:bool=1)={ my(M,c); if (#v < 2*d, warning(Str("findrec: Not enough information to determine if the sequence is a "d"-coefficient recurrence relation; matrix is underdetermined. Give more terms or reduce d and try again.")); return ); M = matrix(d,d,x,y,v[d+x-y]); \\print(M" * c = "vector(d,i,v[d+i])~); if(matdet(M) == 0, return(0)); \\ Non-invertible matrix, no solutions for this d c = matsolve(M,vector(d,i,v[d+i])~); for(n=2*d+1,#v, if(v[n] != sum(i=1,d,v[n-i] * c[i]),return(0)) ); if(verbose, my(init=1,s); print1("Recurrence relation is a(n) = "); for(i=1,#c, if(c[i] == 0, next); if(init, s = initial(c[i], Str("a(n-", i, ")")); init = 0 , s = Str(s, medial(c[i], Str("a(n-", i, ")"))) ) ); print(s"."); if((vecmax(c) == 1 && vecmin(c) == 0 && vecsum(c) == 1) || c == [1]~, print("Sequence has period "#c"."); , my(g=0); for(i=1,#c, if(c[i] != 0, g = gcd(g, i)) ); if (g > 1, my(gvec = vector(#c/g, i, c[i*g]),s,init=1); for(i=1,#gvec, if(gvec[i] == 0, next); if(init, s = initial(gvec[i], Str("a(n - ", i, ")")); init = 0 , s = Str(s, medial(gvec[i], Str("a(n - ", i, ")"))) ) ); print("Can be though of as "g" interlocking sequences, each of the form a(n) = "s".") ) ); print1("<a href=\"/index/Rec#order_", if(#c<10,Str("0",#c),#c), "\">Index to sequences with linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature ("c[1]); for(i=2,#c,print1(","c[i])); print(")."); print((#v-2*d)" d.f.") ); c }; addhelp(findrecd, "findrecd(v, d, {verbose=1}): Helper function for findrec. Tries to find a d-coefficient homogeneous linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients to fit the vector v."); initial(n:int, s:str)={ if (n == 0, return("")); if (n == -1, return(Str("-", s))); if (n == 1, return(s)); Str(n, s) }; medial(n:int, s:str)={ if (n == 0, return("")); if (n == -1, return(Str(" - ", s))); if (n == 1, return(Str(" + ", s))); Str(if (n < 0, " - ", " + "), abs(n), s) }; if(warning=='warning,warning(s:str)=print("Warning: "s));
See also
- Sequence Tools which includes other PARI/GP tools