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User:Ben Whitmore

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My sequences:

A264040 - Number of possible permutations of the n X n generalization of the sliding block 15-puzzle.

A338883 - Orders of elements of the Rubik's Cube group.

A339122 - Number of elements of the Rubik's Cube group of order A338883(n).

A342584 - Minimum k such that all partial sums of the Leibniz series 4/1 - 4/3 + 4/5 - ... with k or more terms give a value of Pi correct to n decimal digits.

A342813 - Decimal expansion of the limit of AGM(1, 2, ..., n)/n.

A346736 - Number of configurations of the 7 X 2 variant of the sliding block 15-puzzle that require a minimum of n moves to be reached, starting with the empty square in one of the corners.

A346737 - Number of configurations of the 5 X 3 variant of the sliding block 15-puzzle that require a minimum of n moves to be reached, starting with the empty square in one of the corners.

A349646 - Nonnegative integers which produce a record maximum MD5 hash.

A349647 - Nonnegative integers which produce a record minimum MD5 hash.

A355560 - Number of configurations of the 8 X 2 variant of the sliding block 15-puzzle that require a minimum of n moves to be reached, starting with the empty square in one of the corners.

(A371553, A371554) - Primitive pairs of integers (b, c) with b > 0 such that x^5 + b*x + c = 0 is irreducible and solvable by radicals.

(A371557, A371558) - Primitive pairs of integers (b, c) with b < 0 such that x^5 + b*x + c = 0 is irreducible and solvable by radicals.