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The {{yearday}} date and time template returns the day of year for a given year, month and monthday.
- {{yearday|year=year as a nonzero unformatted integer in [1..10000]|month=month as two digit number in [1..12], abbreviation or full name|monthday=day of month}}
- {{yearday|year as a nonzero unformatted integer in [1..10000]|month as two digit number in [1..12], abbreviation or full name|day of month}}
- {{yearday}} where year, month and monthday default to local year, local month and local monthday of OEIS Wiki server
Examples with valid input
code result {{yearday}} 63 {{yearday|year=2011|month=01|monthday=10}} 10 {{yearday|year=2011|month=Feb|monthday=10}} 41 {{yearday|2011|Feb|10}} 41 {{yearday|year=2011|month=03|monthday=10}} 69 {{yearday|year=2011|month=Apr|monthday=10}} 100 {{yearday|year=2011|month=May|monthday=10}} 130 {{yearday|year=2011|month=June|monthday=10}} 161 {{yearday|year=2011|month=07|monthday=10}} 191 {{yearday|year=2011|month=08|monthday=10}} 222 {{yearday|year=2011|month=09|monthday=10}} 253 {{yearday|year=2011|month=10|monthday=10}} 283 {{yearday|year=2011|month=11|monthday=10}} 314 {{yearday|year=2011|month=12|monthday=10}} 344 {{yearday|year=2011|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 365 {{yearday|year=2004|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 366 {{yearday|year=2005|month=Jan|monthday=01}} 1 {{yearday|year=2005|month=Dec|monthday=01}} 335 {{yearday|year=2000|month=Jan|monthday=20}} 20 {{yearday|year=2000|month=Feb|monthday=29}} 60 {{yearday|year=2000|month=Mar|monthday=20}} 80 {{yearday|year=2000|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 366 {{yearday|year=1900|month=Jan|monthday=20}} 20 {{yearday|year=1900|month=Feb|monthday=20}} 51 {{yearday|year=1900|month=Mar|monthday=20}} 79 {{yearday|year=1900|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 365 {{yearday|year=1582|month=Sep|monthday=30}} 273 {{yearday|year=1582|month=Oct|monthday=4}} 277 {{yearday|year=1582|month=Oct|monthday=5}} Yearday error: Invalid monthday (in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII decreed that the day after October 4, 1582 would be October 15, 1582) {{yearday|year=1582|month=Oct|monthday=10}} Yearday error: Invalid monthday (in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII decreed that the day after October 4, 1582 would be October 15, 1582) {{yearday|year=1582|month=Oct|monthday=14}} Yearday error: Invalid monthday (in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII decreed that the day after October 4, 1582 would be October 15, 1582) {{yearday|year=1582|month=Oct|monthday=15}} 278 {{yearday|year=1582|month=Oct|monthday=31}} 294 {{yearday|year=1582|month=Nov|monthday=30}} 324 {{yearday|year=1582|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 355 {{yearday|year=16|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 366 {{yearday|year=12|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 366 {{yearday|year=8|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 366 {{yearday|year=4|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 365 {{yearday|year=1|month=Dec|monthday=31}} 365
Examples with invalid input
code result {{yearday|year=0|month=Sep|monthday=30}} Yearday error: Year must be an integer in [1..10000] {{yearday|year=50 BC|month=Sep|monthday=30}} Yearday error: Year must be a nonzero unformatted integer in [1..10000] {{yearday|year=-50|month=Sep|monthday=30}} Yearday error: Year must be an integer in [1..10000] {{yearday|year=0|month=Sep|monthday=30}} Yearday error: Year must be an integer in [1..10000] {{yearday|year=20000|month=Sep|monthday=30}} Yearday error: Year must be an integer in [1..10000] {{yearday|year=1600 AD|month=13|monthday=31}} Yearday error: Year must be a nonzero unformatted integer in [1..10000] {{yearday|year=1600|month=13|monthday=31}} Yearday error: Invalid month {{yearday|year=1600|month=0|monthday=31}} Yearday error: Invalid month {{yearday|year=1600|month=Hexember|monthday=31}} Yearday error: Invalid month {{yearday|year=1600|month=08|monthday=0}} Yearday error: Monthday must be in [1..31] for August 1600 {{yearday|year=1600|month=08|monthday=32}} Yearday error: Monthday must be in [1..31] for August 1600 {{yearday|year=1600|month=Sep|monthday=31}} Yearday error: Monthday must be in [1..30] for September 1600 {{yearday|year=2000|month=Feb|monthday=30}} Yearday error: Monthday must be in [1..29] for February 2000 {{yearday|year=1900|month=Feb|monthday=29}} Yearday error: Monthday must be in [1..28] for February 1900
{{ifint| {{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}} | {{#ifexpr: ( ( {{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}} >= 1 ) and ( {{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}} <= 10000 ) ) | {{#iferror: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} | {{error|Yearday error: Invalid month}} | {{#ifexpr: ( ( {{{monthday|{{{3|{{LOCALDAY}}}}}}}} >= 1 ) and ( {{{monthday|{{{3|{{LOCALDAY}}}}}}}} <= {{monthdays|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}|{{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}}}} + {{#ifexpr: ( ( {{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}} = 1582 ) and ( {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} = 10 ) ) | 10 <!-- even though Oct 5 to Oct 14 were skipped in 1582, monthday still went up to 31 --> | 0 }} ) ) | {{#ifexpr: not ( ( {{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}} = 1582 ) and ( {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} = 10 ) and ( {{{monthday|{{{3|{{LOCALDAY}}}}}}}} >= 5 ) and ( {{{monthday|{{{3|{{LOCALDAY}}}}}}}} <= 14 ) ) | {{expr| {{{monthday|{{{3|{{LOCALDAY}}}}}}}} - {{#ifexpr: ( ( {{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}} = 1582 ) and ( {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} = 10 ) and ( {{{monthday|{{{3|{{LOCALDAY}}}}}}}} >= 15 ) ) | 10 <!-- in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII decreed that the day after October 4, 1582 would be October 15, 1582 --> | 0 }} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 1|31|0}} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 2|{{ifleapyear|{{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}}|29|28}}|0}} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 3|31|0}} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 4|30|0}} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 5|31|0}} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 6|30|0}} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 7|31|0}} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 8|31|0}} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 9|30|0}} + {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 10|{{monthdays|Oct|{{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}}}}|0}} + <!-- 1582 gotcha! --> {{#ifexpr: {{monthnum|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} > 11|30|0}} }} | {{error|Yearday error: Invalid monthday (in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII decreed that the day after October 4, 1582 would be October 15, 1582)}} }} | {{error|Yearday error: Monthday must be in [1..{{monthdays|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}|{{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}}}}] for {{fullmonth|{{{month|{{{2|{{LOCALMONTH}}}}}}}}}} {{{year|{{{1|{{LOCALYEAR}}}}}}}} }} }} }} | {{error|Yearday error: Year must be an integer in [1..10000]}} }} | {{error|Yearday error: Year must be a nonzero unformatted integer in [1..10000]}} }}
See also
- {{daynum}} gives the weekday number (0 to 6) for (Sun to Sat)
- {{day}} gives the standard three letter weekday abbreviation.
- {{fullday}} gives the full weekday name.
- {{monthnum}} gives the month number (padded left with 0 if necessary to get two decimal digits) (01 to 12)
- {{month}} gives the standard three letter month abbreviation.
- {{fullmonth}} gives the full month name.
- {{days in month}} (or {{monthdays}}) gives the number of days in a month (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{yearday}} returns the day of year from year, month and monthday (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{ifleapyear}} or {{if leap year}} returns different values depending on whether a given year is a leap year or a common year (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{is leap year}} predicate function template returns 1 (if true) or 0 (if false) depending on whether a given year is a leap year or a common year (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{Century}} returns the century for any nonzero (negative or positive) year
- {{Millennium}} returns the millennium for any nonzero (negative or positive) year
- {{to day of CE}} returns the day of CE (Christ Era) from year, month and monthday (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{from day of CE}} returns year, month and monthday (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD) from the day of CE (Christ Era)
- {{date}} for date mathematics (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD) (returns the date offset a specified number of days from a given date)
- {{days between}} for date mathematics (for any years from 1 AD to 10000 AD) (returns the number of days between two dates)