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The following documentation is located at Template:Fullday/doc. [<Edit> Template:Fullday/doc]
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The {{fullday}} date and time function template changes a standard three letter weekday abbreviation, a full weekday name or a weekday number from 0 to 6, with or without a leading zero, to the full weekday name.
- {{day|a standard three letter weekday abbreviation, a full weekday name or a weekday number from 0 to 6, with or without a leading zero}}
- {{day}} which defaults to local full weekday name of OEIS Wiki server
Examples with valid input
Code Result {{fullday|mon}} Monday {{fullday|Mon}} Monday {{fullday|WED}} Wednesday {{fullday|SATurday}} Saturday {{fullday|0}} Sunday {{fullday|4}} Thursday {{fullday|06}} Saturday {{fullday|001}} Monday {{fullday}} Tuesday
Examples with invalid input
Code Result {{fullday|Hex}} Fullday error: invalid input {{fullday|7}} Fullday error: invalid input {{fullday|-1}} Fullday error: invalid input {{fullday|6.5}} Fullday error: invalid input
<!-- The third column will have its use! For the second column, the leading zeros are ignored. --> {{#switch: {{lc: {{{1|{{LOCALDAYNAME}}}}} }} | sun=Sunday | 0=Sunday | sunday=Sunday | mon=Monday | 1=Monday | monday=Monday | tue=Tuesday | 2=Tuesday | tuesday=Tuesday | wed=Wednesday | 3=Wednesday | wednesday=Wednesday | thu=Thursday | 4=Thursday | thursday=Thursday | fri=Friday | 5=Friday | friday=Friday | sat=Saturday | 6=Saturday | saturday=Saturday | {{error| Fullday error: invalid input}} }}
See also
- {{daynum}} gives the weekday number (0 to 6) for (Sun to Sat)
- {{day}} gives the standard three letter weekday abbreviation.
- {{fullday}} gives the full weekday name.
- {{monthnum}} gives the month number (padded left with 0 if necessary to get two decimal digits) (01 to 12)
- {{month}} gives the standard three letter month abbreviation.
- {{fullmonth}} gives the full month name.
- {{days in month}} (or {{monthdays}}) gives the number of days in a month (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{yearday}} returns the day of year from year, month and monthday (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{ifleapyear}} or {{if leap year}} returns different values depending on whether a given year is a leap year or a common year (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{is leap year}} predicate function template returns 1 (if true) or 0 (if false) depending on whether a given year is a leap year or a common year (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{Century}} returns the century for any nonzero (negative or positive) year
- {{Millennium}} returns the millennium for any nonzero (negative or positive) year
- {{to day of CE}} returns the day of CE (Christ Era) from year, month and monthday (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD)
- {{from day of CE}} returns year, month and monthday (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD) from the day of CE (Christ Era)
- {{date}} for date mathematics (for any year from 1 AD to 10000 AD) (returns the date offset a specified number of days from a given date)
- {{days between}} for date mathematics (for any years from 1 AD to 10000 AD) (returns the number of days between two dates)