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Template:Plouffe's Inverter/doc

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This documentation subpage contains instructions, categories, or other information for Template:Plouffe's Inverter. [<Edit> Template:Plouffe's Inverter]

[⧼Purge⧽ Template:Plouffe's Inverter/doc]

The {{Plouffe's Inverter}} external link template gives a link to Plouffe's Inverter to either perform a lookup for a given real number or browse around a given real number.

NOTE: The tool is not available anymore. (Try Inverse Symbolic Calculator Plus (ISC+):[1]

From the main page of Plouffe's Inverter (Dec 02 2011):

This server is a database of more than
215,000,000 mathematical constants
like Pi, E, Catalan or Euler-Mascheroni constant
with more than 2 billion digits.

Enter a number and the program
will find what the number is made of.

You can enter a number
from 5 to 64 digits


{{Plouffe's Inverter|number = a real number|do = lookup (l) or browse (b)}}


{{Plouffe's Inverter|number = a real number|lookup (l) or browse (b)}}


{{Plouffe's Inverter|number = a real number}} (which defaults to a link to do a lookup)


{{Plouffe's Inverter|a real number}} (which defaults to a link to do a lookup)


{{Plouffe's Inverter}} (which gives a link to the main page of Plouffe's Inverter)


Examples with valid input

Code Result
{{Plouffe's Inverter}} Plouffe's Inverter
{{Plouffe's Inverter|3.14159265358979}} Lookup for 3.14159265358979 on Plouffe's Inverter
{{Plouffe's Inverter|3.14159265358979|l}} Lookup for 3.14159265358979 on Plouffe's Inverter
{{Plouffe's Inverter|3.14159265358979|lookup}} Lookup for 3.14159265358979 on Plouffe's Inverter
{{Plouffe's Inverter|3.14159265358979|b}} Browse around 3.14159265358979 on Plouffe's Inverter
{{Plouffe's Inverter|3.14159265358979|browse}} Browse around 3.14159265358979 on Plouffe's Inverter

Examples with invalid input

Code Result
{{Plouffe's Inverter|3.14159265358979|search}} Plouffe's Inverter error: Optional second argument, do, must be either lookup (l) or browse (b)


{{ifnum| {{{number|{{{1|NAN}}}}}}
| {{#switch:{{lc:{{{do|{{{2|lookup}}}}}}}} 
  | lookup = [{{urlencode:{{{number|{{{1}}}}}}}}&lookup_type=simple Lookup for {{{number|{{{1}}}}}} on Plouffe's Inverter]
  | l      = [{{urlencode:{{{number|{{{1}}}}}}}}&lookup_type=simple Lookup for {{{number|{{{1}}}}}} on Plouffe's Inverter]  
  | browse = [{{urlencode:{{{number|{{{1}}}}}}}}&lookup_type=browse Browse around {{{number|{{{1}}}}}} on Plouffe's Inverter]
  | b      = [{{urlencode:{{{number|{{{1}}}}}}}}&lookup_type=browse Browse around {{{number|{{{1}}}}}} on Plouffe's Inverter]
  | {{error| Plouffe's Inverter error: Optional second argument, do, must be either ''lookup'' (''l'') or ''browse'' (''b'') }} 
| [ Plouffe's Inverter] <!-- Main page -->

See also
