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The following documentation is located at Template:Oint/doc. [<Edit> Template:Oint/doc]
[⧼Purge⧽ Template:Oint]
[⧼Purge⧽ Template:Oint]
The {{oint}} mathematical formatting template calls the {{integral}} template with the type
argument set to oint
(path integral).
- {{oint|lower limit|upper limit|integrand}}
- {{oint|lower limit|upper limit|integrand|format}}
- {{oint|lower limit|upper limit}} integrand
- {{oint|lower limit|upper limit|format}} integrand
where format is among:
- htm: text style HTML+CSS (default);
- tex: text style LaTeX;
- HTM: display style HTML+CSS;
- TEX: display style LaTeX.
See also
- {{integral}} (type argument: int, iint, iiint, iiiint, idotsint, oint, varointclockwise, ointctrclockwise, oiint, oiiint)
- {{int}} (simple integral: {{integral}} with int as type argument)
- {{iint}} (double integral: {{integral}} with iint as type argument)
- {{iiint}} (triple integral: {{integral}} with iiint as type argument)
- {{iiiint}} (quadruple integral: {{integral}} with iiiint as type argument)
- {{idotsint}} (multiple integral: {{integral}} with idotsint as type argument)
- {{oint}} ([closed] path integral: {{integral}} with oint as type argument)
- {{varointclockwise}} ([closed] clockwise path integral: {{integral}} with varointclockwise as type argument)
- {{ointctrclockwise}} ([closed] counterclockwise path integral: {{integral}} with ointctrclockwise as type argument)
- {{oiint}} ([closed] surface integral: {{integral}} with oiint as type argument)
- {{oiiint}} ([closed] hypersurface integral: {{integral}} with oiiint as type argument)
External links