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The {{OEIS}} interwiki link template gives an interwiki link to the search results page. (To avoid an issue with A-numbers, the first character is converted to lower case.) Note that the OEIS search engine does Porter stemming,[1][2] i.e. reduces inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their stem, base or root form.


{{OEIS|search string}}


{{OEIS|search string|format = format}}


{{OEIS|search string|link label}}


{{OEIS|search string|link label|format = format}}


  1. first parameter: search string (automatically URL encoded), where if search string contains A-numbers:
  1. to search for any sequence containing A-number A​123456, use A​123456,
  2. to search for the sequence with A-number A​123456, use id:A​123456, but only with format = text or format = json, otherwise use A​123456 which gives the automatic link A123456;
  1. (optional) second parameter: link label string (first parameter used as default);
  2. (optional) last [named] parameter: format: text (plain text) or json (JSON: JavaScript Object Notation)

Some hints for search string: (See OEIS search hints and advanced search syntax.)

  • The search text is a list of space-separated search terms, as with popular web search engines.
  • The search terms can be single numbers, sequences of numbers, single words or sequences of words.
  • Sequences of numbers should be separated with commas (or spaces if the order doesn't matter).
  • Word sequences should be enclosed in double quotes.
  • You can separate search terms with | (no spaces around the |) and it means sequences that match either term.
    (WARNING: You need to use the {{!}} workaround template to produce the | pipe character in a template parameter!)


{{OEIS|identity}} yields identity (searches for words with the stem ident)
{{OEIS|identical}} yields identical (searches for words with the stem ident)
{{OEIS|"identity"}} yields "identity" (unfortunately, still searches for words with the stem ident)
{{OEIS|"identity operator"}} yields "identity operator" (searches for two consecutive words with the stems ident and oper)
{{OEIS|Fibonacci}} yields Fibonacci
{{OEIS|Fibonacci|search for "Fibonacci" in OEIS}} yields search for "Fibonacci" in OEIS
{{OEIS|Fibonacci{{!}}Lucas}} yields Fibonacci|Lucas
{{OEIS|1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100}} yields 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100
{{OEIS|"symmetric group"|search for "symmetric group"}} yields search for "symmetric group"
{{OEIS|2,3,6,16 "symmetric group" author:Stanley}} yields 2,3,6,16 "symmetric group" author:Stanley
{{OEIS|"twin primes" keyword:nice keyword:hard}} yields "twin primes" keyword:nice keyword:hard
{{OEIS|id:A​000045}} to get id:A000045 (just use A​000045 to get the automatic link A000045 instead) (only the sequence with A-number A000045)
{{OEIS|A001011|Search A001011 (TEXT)}} yields Search A001011 (TEXT)
Use A001011 (automatically linked) which is better than {{OEIS|id:A001011|A001011}} yielding A001011(only the sequence with A-number A001011)

Examples: TEXT

{{OEIS|Fibonacci|format = text}} yields Fibonacci
{{OEIS|Fibonacci|Fibonacci (plain text)|format = text}} yields Fibonacci (plain text)
{{OEIS|A001011|format = text}} yields A001011
{{OEIS|A001011|Search A001011 (TEXT)|format = text}} yields Search A001011 (TEXT)
{{OEIS|id:A001011|Get A001011 (TEXT)|format = text}} yields Get A001011 (TEXT)(only the sequence with A-number A001011)
{{OEIS|id:A001011{{!}}id:A001015|Get A001011 and A001015 (TEXT)|format = text}} yields Get A001011 and A001015 (TEXT)  (only the sequences with A-numbers A001011 and A001015)  (note the use of the {{!}} [pipe] template)

Examples: JSON

{{OEIS|Fibonacci|format = json}} yields Fibonacci
{{OEIS|Fibonacci|Fibonacci (JSON)|format = json}} yields Fibonacci (JSON)
{{OEIS|A001011|format = json}} yields A001011
{{OEIS|A001011|Search A001011 (JSON)|format = json}} yields Search A001011 (JSON)
{{OEIS|id:A001011|Get A001011 (JSON)|format = json}} yields Get A001011 (JSON)(only the sequence with A-number A001011)
{{OEIS|id:A001011{{!}}id:A001015|Get A001011 and A001015 (JSON)|format = json}} yields Get A001011 and A001015 (JSON)  (only the sequences with A-numbers A001011 and A001015)  (note the use of the {{!}} [pipe] template)

See also:


  1. The Porter stemming algorithm. []
  2. The English (Porter2) stemming algorithm. []