Triangle read by rows: T(n, k) (2 <= k <= n) is the smallest positive integer m >= k such that the digits of m expressed in base n are the same as the first digits in base k.
2, 9, 3, 4, 265, 4, 5, 117032, 2123333591, 5, 7, 44, 291720, 10757067, 6, 57, 449, 16879, 18042, 19032324921, 7, 8, 332930, 64, 2180306, 174631931663663360, 51981761666123, 8, 9, 9, 93, 839, 407917265, 50732175, 197761284636128964, 9, 10, 10, 133302001, 124343, 155133423353, 102616333034, 13663722656306465044, 1066338786883726756382, 10
We only discuss the case n > k in the comments.
Generally a solution with an x-digit base n number and a y-digit base k number has n^(x-1) slightly larger than k^(y-1) for the later digits to offset the difference in the leading digit.
Write the equation with equal digits aligned, and except the leading digit, the value in base k is larger than in base n, and the differences can generate all sufficiently small numbers (because the ratio between successive differences does not exceed k). So to minimize the base n number compared to the base k number, we get 1(k-1)(k-1)... in base k and n, and if the base n number is still larger than the base k number, we must increase y-x by 1 and solve n^(x-1) >= k^(y-1) again.
With some calculation we can get that a solution with an x-digit base n number and a y-digit base k number exists iff (n+k-2)*n^(x-1)+n <= 2*(n-1)*k^(y-1)+k and n^(x-1) >= k^(y-1), and it's sufficient for n^(x-1)/k^(y-1) be in a nonempty range, so T(n, k) always exists.
T(n^x, n^y) = n^lcm(x, y).
T(n, 2) = n if 2^x <= n < 3*2^(x-1), n+1 if 3*2^(x-1) <= n < 2^(x+1)-1, n^2+n+1 if n=2^(x+1)-1 (x >= 2).
The triangle begins:
n\k [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
[2] 2;
[3] 9, 3;
[4] 4, 265, 4;
[5] 5, 117032, 2123333591, 5;
[6] 7, 44, 291720, 10757067, 6;
[7] 57, 449, 16879, 18042, 19032324921, 7;
T(5, 3) = 117032 because 117032 = 12221112112 in base 3 and 12221112 in base 5.
(PARI) mm(n, k, x)=ceil(x*log(k)/(log(n)-log(k)));
T(n, k)={if(n==k, return(n)); my(x=1, t=mm(n, k, x)); while((n+k-2)*n^t+n>2*(n-1)*k^(t+x)+k, x++; t=mm(n, k, x)); l=n^t-k^(t+x); v=d=s=vector(t+x); for(i=0, t+x-1, d[i+1]=k^i-floor(n^(i-x))); s[1]=d[1]; for(i=1, t+x-2, s[i+1]=d[i+1]+s[i]); for(j=1, t+x-1, jj=t+x-j; v[jj+1]=max(ceil((l-(k-1)*s[jj])/d[jj+1]), 0); l=l-v[jj+1]*d[jj+1]); v[1]=l; a=k^(t+x); for(y=1, t+x, a=a+v[y]*k^(y-1)); a};
Cf. A379651.
Sequence in context: A085093 A194025 A281383 * A275838 A323720 A021777
Yifan Xie, Jan 19 2025