We call a k-tuple of binary vectors of length n complementary if for every position m (1 <= m <= n) the digit "1" occurs on that position in exactly one of the vectors. For example, {1010, 0100, 0001} is a triple (k=3) of complementary binary vectors of length n=4. The sum of complementary binary vectors of length n is always a repunit of the same length, A002275(n).
T(n,k) gives the number of distinct unordered k-tuples of complementary binary vectors of length n that have a common divisor > 1 as integers in base 10.
For k > n/2, at least one of the binary vectors must contain just a single "1" (with all other digits zero) and is, therefore, a power of 10 (A011557). Hence it cannot have nontrivial common divisors with the repunit A002275(n), which implies T(n,k) = 0. The requirement k <= n/2 acts to skip the corresponding trivial zero terms.
The partitions for k = 1 are trivial and consist of one element -- the repunit itself, which is its own greatest common divisor. Therefore, T(n,1) = 1 for n >= 2.
If T(n,k)=0 for some n and k, then T(n,m)=0 also for any m >= k. Indeed, if some m-tuple of binary vectors existed that is counted toward T(n,m), then an (m-1)-tuple obtained by summing any two of its vectors while leaving others unchanged would be counted toward T(n,m-1). By induction, this leads to T(n,k)>0, which is a contradiction.
Dmytro Inosov, Table of n, a(n) for n = 2..95
Dmytro Inosov, Table of T(n,k), with missing terms
The triangle T(n,k) starts (omitting terms with k > n/2, which are zero):
n\k: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ...
2 | 1;
3 | 1;
4 | 1, 3;
5 | 1, 0;
6 | 1, 19, 6;
7 | 1, 0, 0;
8 | 1, 47, 98, 29;
9 | 1, 84, 280, 0;
10 | 1, 141, 650, 600, 120;
11 | 1, 0, 0, 0, 0;
12 | 1, 1135, 16734, 28063, 5922, 756;
13 | 1, 130, 130, 13, 0, 0;
14 | 1, 1779, 43757, 161700, 161700, 52920, 5040;
15 | 1, 6183, 263386, 1401900, 1401400, 0, 0;
16 | 1, 9919, 438582, 2634549, 4381246, 2587326, 577612, 40913;
17 | 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
18 | 1, 75433, 10808037, 140403209, 391178517, 290493433, 39663279, 6540609, 362880;
19 | 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
20 | 1, 124467, 26825456, 514583021, ...
... (for more terms, see the A-file).
T(6,3) = 6 because among the {n,k} = 90 possible triples of nonzero binary vectors of length 6 there are exactly 6 with a common divisor > 1:
{100001, 010010, 001100}: GCD(100001, 10010, 1100) = 11;
{100001, 011000, 000110}: GCD(100001, 11000, 110) = 11;
{100100, 010010, 001001}: GCD(100100, 10010, 1001) = 1001;
{100100, 011000, 000011}: GCD(100100, 11000, 11) = 11;
{110000, 001001, 000110}: GCD(110000, 1001, 110) = 11;
{110000, 001100, 000011}: GCD(110000, 1100, 11) = 11.
The quadruple of binary vectors {1100000001000, 0010001100000, 0001100000001, 0000010010110} counts toward T(13,4) because in base 10, GCD(1100000001000, 10001100000, 1100000001, 10010110) = 53. In total, there are 13 such quadruples of length 13. This exemplifies the smallest prime n with nontrivial T(n,k).
T(317,k) = 0 for k >= 2 since 317 is a term in A004023.
SubListNonCoprimes[bnum_, m_] := SubListNonCoprimes[bnum, m] =
(If[m == 1, Return[If[bnum == Repunit, Nothing, {Repunit - bnum}]]];
ListOfParts2 = Select[Total[10^(ResourceFunction["KSetPartitions"][(#)[[Range[Length[#]]]], 2] &[Position[IntegerDigits[bnum] // Reverse, 0] // Flatten] - 1), {3}] /. 0 -> {}, GCD @@ Prepend[#, bnum] > 1 &];
If[m == 2, ListOfParts2, Select[Flatten[MapApply[Append]@*Thread@*
Comap[{SubListNonCoprimes[# + bnum, m-1] &, Identity}] @* Max /@ ListOfParts2, 1], GCD @@ Prepend[#, bnum] > 1 &]]);
SubCountNonCoprimes10[n_, m_, k_, totk_] := (Result = 0; Do[If[!CoprimeQ[#, Repunit-#],
Result += Length[SubListNonCoprimes[#, m-1]]] &[FromDigits[IntegerDigits[i, 2]]], {i, #[[k]], #[[k+1]]-1}] &[Round[Subdivide[2^(n-1), 2^n, totk]]];
CountNonCoprimes10[n_, m_] := (If[m > n/2, Return[0], If[m == 1, Return[1]]];
Repunit = (10^n - 1)/9; ParallelSum[SubCountNonCoprimes10[n, m, k, #], {k, #}, Method -> "FinestGrained", ProgressReporting -> (n >= 15)] &[If[n >= 15, 100, 1] $KernelCount]);
Table[CountNonCoprimes10[n, k], {n, 2, 16}, {k, 1, 8}] // TableForm
Dmytro Inosov, Dec 06 2024