Starting from k=9, each subsequent term is the next larger odd k such that A005940(k) <= k and the ratio A005940(k)/k is nearer to 1.0 than for any previous k in the sequence.

%I #13 Aug 06 2023 18:56:47

%S 9,35,267,8353,16475,16543,132175,262563,295175,1115151,2098057,

%T 2109697,8651313,537938015,1073787425

%N Starting from k=9, each subsequent term is the next larger odd k such that A005940(k) <= k and the ratio A005940(k)/k is nearer to 1.0 than for any previous k in the sequence.

%e k A005940(k) A005940(k)/k k-A005940(k)

%e 9 7 0.7777778 2

%e 35 33 0.9428571 2

%e 267 255 0.9550562 12

%e 8353 8177 0.9789297 176

%e 16475 16275 0.9878604 200

%e 16543 16443 0.9939551 100

%e 132175 131733 0.9966560 442

%e 262563 262119 0.9983090 444

%e 295175 294831 0.9988346 344

%e 1115151 1114749 0.9996395 402

%e 2098057 2097851 0.9999018 206

%e 2109697 2109629 0.9999678 68

%e 8651313 8651137 0.9999797 176

%e 537938015 537931935 0.9999887 6080

%e 1073787425 1073785843 0.9999985 1582.

%o (PARI) print1(9,", "); r = A005940(9)/9; forstep(n=9,1+(2^31),2,t=A005940(n)/n; if(t<=1 && t > r, r=t;print1(n, ", ")))

%Y Cf. A005940, A364563, A364572, A364576.

%K nonn,more

%O 1,1

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Aug 06 2023