Irregular triangle read by rows, where row n lists k < t such that rad(k) = rad(t) but k does not divide t, where t = A360768(n) and rad(k) = A007947(k).
12, 18, 24, 18, 36, 20, 40, 12, 24, 36, 48, 48, 54, 45, 50, 60, 18, 36, 54, 72, 28, 56, 40, 80, 24, 48, 72, 96, 98, 90, 84, 75, 54, 96, 108, 63, 60, 90, 120, 50, 100, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 108, 144, 126, 120, 150, 147, 18, 36, 54, 72, 108, 144, 162, 56, 112, 132, 80, 160, 48, 96, 144, 162, 192, 98, 196
Michael De Vlieger, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..14675 (rows n = 1..3000, flattened)
Michael De Vlieger, Plot (k, t) at (x, -y), where k = A126706(i) and t = A360768(j) for i = 1..48 and j = 1..108, showing k in dark blue, t in dark red, and for t and nondivisor k such that rad(k) = rad(t), we highlight in large black dots. This sequence counts the number of black dots in row n.
Row lengths are in A359382.
Table of some of the first rows of the sequence, showing both even and odd b(n) = A360768(n) with both a single and multiple terms in the row:
n b(n) row n of this sequence
1 18 12;
2 24 18;
3 36 24;
4 48 18, 36;
5 50 20, 40;
6 54 12, 24, 36, 48;
8 75 45;
18 135 75;
23 162 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 108, 144;
56 375 45, 135, 225;
57 378 84, 168, 252, 294, 336;
58 384 18, 36, 54, 72, 108, 144, 162, 216, 288, 324
rad[x_] := rad[x] = Times @@ FactorInteger[x][[All, 1]];
s = Select[Range[2^7], Nor[SquareFreeQ[#], PrimePowerQ[#]] &];
t = Select[s, #1/#2 >= #3 & @@ {#1, Times @@ #2, #2[[2]]} & @@
{#, FactorInteger[#][[All, 1]]} &];
Flatten@ Map[Function[{n, k},
Select[TakeWhile[s, # < n &],
And[rad[#] == k, ! Divisible[n, #]] &]] @@ {#, rad[#]} &, t]
Michael De Vlieger, Mar 29 2023