Numbers with five neighboring primes on the hexagonal spiral board of odd numbers.
1, 15, 45, 63, 165, 195, 231, 459, 693, 909, 969, 1299, 1785, 2709, 3699, 4131, 4449, 5145, 7041, 8541, 10209, 16065, 20355, 22569, 27489, 28299, 38151, 47745, 49365, 49959, 58479, 77619, 81021, 84651, 87555, 92625, 101115, 104181, 107271, 107349, 108225
All terms in this sequence are composites.
Conjecture: This sequence is infinite and, except 1 and 15, all terms appear in the region between 6*k^2-16*k+11 and 6*k^2-14*k+9 or between 6*k^2-10*k+5 and 6*k^2-8*k+3, where k (>= 1) is the layer number on the hexagonal board.
If the conjecture is true, twin prime conjecture follows.
1 is a term because five of its six neighbors (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13) are primes;
45 is a term because five of its six neighbors (17, 19, 43, 47, 83, and 85) are primes.
A hexagonal spiral board of odd numbers <= 169 is illustrated in the figure below, where terms in the sequence are shown in square brackets and primes in parentheses.
/ \
/ \
153 (97)<--95<---93<---91<--(89) (139)
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
155 99 55<--(53)<--51<---49 87 (137)
/ / / \ \ \
/ / / \ \ \
(157) (101) 57 25<--(23)<--21 (47) 85 135
/ / / / \ \ \ \
/ / / / \ \ \ \
159 (103) (59) 27 (7)<--(5) (19) [45] (83) 133
/ / / / / \ \ \ \ \
/ / / / / \ \ \ \ \
161 105 (61) (29) 9 [1]-->(3) (17) (43) 81 (131)
\ \ \ \ \ / / / /
\ \ \ \ \ / / / /
(163) (107) [63] (31) (11)->(13)->[15] (41) (79) 129
\ \ \ \ / / /
\ \ \ \ / / /
[165] (109) 65 33--->35-->(37)-->39 77 (127)
\ \ \ / /
\ \ \ / /
(167) 111 (67)-->69-->(71)->(73)-->75 125
\ \ /
\ \ /
169 (113)->115-->117-->119-->121-->123
from sympy import isprime; from math import sqrt, ceil
def neib(m):
if m == 1: L = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13]
elif m == 3: L = [17, 19, 5, 1, 13, 15]
L = [m for i in range(6)]; n = int(ceil((3+sqrt(6*m+3))/6))
a0=6*n*n-18*n+15; a1=6*n*n-16*n+11; a2=6*n*n-14*n+9; a3=6*n*n-12*n+7; a4=6*n*n-10*n+5; a5=6*n*n-8*n+3; a6=6*n*n-6*n+1
p = 0 if m==a0 else 1 if m>a0 and m<a1 else 2 if m==a1 else 3 if m>a1 and m<a2 else 4 if m==a2 else 5 if m>a2 and m<a3 else 6 if m==a3 else 7 if m>a3 and m<a4 else 8 if m==a4 else 9 if m>a4 and m<a5 else 10 if m==a5 else 11 if m>a5 and m<a6 else 12
L[0] += 12*n-10 if p<=4 else -2 if p<=6 else -12*n+16 if p<=9 else 2
L[1] += 2 if p<=1 else 12*n-8 if p<=6 else -2 if p<=8 else -12*n+14
L[2] += -12*n+24 if p<=1 else 2 if p<=3 else 12*n-6 if p<=8 else -2 if p<=10 else -12*n+12
L[3] += -2 if p==0 else -12*n+22 if p<=3 else 2 if p<=5 else 12*n-4 if p<=10 else -2
L[4] += 12*n-14 if p==0 else -2 if p<=2 else -12*n+20 if p<=5 else 2 if p<=7 else 12*n-2
L[5] += 12*n-12 if p<=2 else -2 if p<=4 else -12*n+18 if p<=7 else 2 if p<=9 else 12*n
return L
for i in range(1, 60000):
m = 2*i-1; L1 = [neib(m)[j] for j in range(6)]
if sum(isprime(k) for k in L1) == 5: print(m)
Cf. A341542.
Sequence in context: A119123 A293625 A084821 * A298462 A066763 A164788
Ya-Ping Lu, Jun 21 2021