Numbers that can be written as (k + sum of digits of k) for some k, then as (m + product of digits of m) for some m, also as (q * product of digits of q) for some q, and finally as (t * sum of digits of t) for some t.
4, 16, 81, 88, 144, 250, 520, 900, 1008, 1053, 1134, 2025, 2304, 2655, 3726, 4680, 6408, 6624, 9928, 12024, 12150, 12510, 13608, 14256, 15480, 16408, 17128, 17172, 18304, 19152, 19288, 19602, 23310, 24336, 25110, 26550, 29358, 32896, 32968, 36864, 37485, 38592
Equivalently, Bogotá numbers that are not Colombian and that can be written as (m + product of digits of m) for some m and also as (t * sum of digits of t) for some t.
The only primes that can belong to this sequence are repunits > 11 whose indices are in A004023. It is known that these primes belong to A336983 but do they belong also to A337718 and A337816?
Observation: 7 of the first 13 terms are perfect squares: 4, 16, 81, 144, 900, 2025, 2304 (see examples).
4 = 2 + 2 = 2 + 2 = 2 * 2 = 2 * 2;
16 = 8 + 8 = 8 + 8 = 4 * 4 = 4 * 4;
81 = 72 + (7+2) = 63 + (6*3) = 9 * 9 = 9 * 9;
144 = 135 + (1+3+5) = 128 + (1*2*8) = 18 * (1*8) = 24 * (2+4).
m = 40000; Select[Intersection @@ Union /@ Transpose[Table[{n + (s = Plus @@ (d = IntegerDigits[n])), n + (p = Times @@ d), n*s, n*p}, {n, 1, m}]], # <= m &] (* Amiram Eldar, Sep 25 2020 *)
(PARI) lista(nn) = {my(vd = vector(nn, k, digits(k)), vs = vector(nn, k, vecsum(vd[k])), vp = vector(nn, k, vecprod(vd[k])), vsp = Set(vector(nn, k, k+vp[k])), vss = Set(vector(nn, k, k+vs[k])), vps = Set(vector(nn, k, k*vs[k])), vpp = Set(vector(nn, k, k*vp[k])), vk = vector(nn, k, k)); Vec(setintersect(vk, setintersect(vsp, setintersect(vss, setintersect(vps, vpp))))); } \\ Michel Marcus, Oct 01 2020
Intersection of A176995, A336826, A337718 and A337816.
Intersection of A336983, A337718 and A337816.
Intersection of A337733 and A337816.
Sequence in context: A002777 A280923 A118997 * A001257 A133053 A342326
Bernard Schott, Sep 25 2020
Terms a(7) and beyond from Amiram Eldar, Sep 25 2020