Numerators of coefficients in a power series expansion of the distance between two bodies falling freely towards each other along a straight line under the influence of their mutual gravitational attraction.
1, 1, 11, 73, 887, 136883, 7680089, 26838347, 14893630313, 1908777537383, 2422889987331397, 233104477447558811, 2430782624763507659, 14420190617640617313953, 4515429325405165295004389, 812454316441781379614873497, 166481868581561511154267399013
Consider two point objects with masses m_1 and m_2 that are starting to fall towards each other from rest at time t = 0 and initial distance r_0. Foong (2008) gave the solution for the distance as a function of time, r(t) = r_0 * f(t/t_0), where t_0 = sqrt(r_0^3/(G*(m1+m2)), G is the gravitational constant (A070058), and f(x) = 1 - Sum_{n>=1} c(n) * x^(2*n) is a dimensionless function. c(n) are the rational coefficients whose numerators are given in this sequence. The denominators are given in A335829. The collision occurs when f(x) = 0, at x = Pi/(2*sqrt(2)) (A093954), which corresponds to the time t = (Pi/(2*sqrt(2))) * t_0.
A similar expansion was given by Ernst Meissel in his study of the three-body problem in 1882. In Meissel's expansion the coefficients are c(n)/2^n.
Sudhir Ranjan Jain, Mechanics, Waves and Thermodynamics: An Example-based Approach, Cambridge University Press, 2016. See page 97.
Ernst Meissel, Über Reihen, denen man bei der numerischen Lösung des Problems der Dreikörperproblems begegnet, wenn die Anfangsgeschwindigkeiten Null sind, in: Jahresbericht über die Realschule in Kiel: Während des Schuljahres 1881/82, A. F. Jensen, Kiel, 1882, pp. 1-11.
S. K. Foong, From Moon-fall to motions under inverse square laws, European journal of physics, Vol. 29, No. 5 (2008), pp. 987-1003, alternative link.
a(n) = numerator(c(n)), c(1) = 1/2, c(n) = (2 * Sum_{k=1..n-1} (n-k)*(2*n-2*k-1)*c(n-k)*c(k) - Sum_{m=2..n-1} (n-m)*(2*n-2*m-1)*c(n-m) * Sum_{k=1..m-1} c(m-k)*c(k))/(n*(2*n - 1)).
c(n) ~ c_0 * n^(-5/3) * (Pi/(2*sqrt(2))^(-2*n), where c_0 = (3*Pi)^(2/3) / (18*Gamma(4/3)) = 0.277587...
The series begins with f(x) = 1 - (1/2)*x^2 - (1/12)*x^4 - (11/360)*x^6 - ...
c[1] = 1/2; c[n_] := c[n] = (2*Sum[(n - k)*(2*n - 2*k - 1)*c[n - k]*c[k], {k, 1, n - 1}] - Sum[(n - m)*(2*n - 2*m - 1)*c[n - m]*c[m - k]*c[k], {m, 2, n - 1}, {k, 1, m - 1}])/(n*(2*n - 1)); Numerator @ Array[c, 17]
(* or *)
Quiet[-Numerator @ CoefficientList[AsymptoticDSolveValue[{y[x]*y'[x]^2 == 2*(1-y[x]), y[0] == 1}, y[x], {x, 0, 25}], x][[3;; -1;; 2]]] (* requires Mathematica 11.3+ *)
Cf. A070058, A093954, A202623, A335829 (denominators).
Sequence in context: A342830 A155634 A380290 * A003367 A121784 A213165
Amiram Eldar, Jun 25 2020