This sequence is analogous to A025487. The two primes 2 and 5 are ignored and the remainder are divided into two distinct classes depending on the final digit of the prime. A combined prime signature is then created from the prime signatures of the two classes of prime.
Consider the problem of finding the smallest number having n divisors ending with 1 or 9 (sequence A085645). Solutions must lie in this sequence since numbers with the same composite prime signature as defined here will have the same number of divisors ending with 1 or 9.
Primes ending in either 1 or 9 are 11, 19, 29, 31, 41, 59, ... (A045468).
Primes ending in either 3 or 7 are 3, 7, 13, 17, 23, 37, ... (A097957).
The partial products of these two sequences form two sequences analogous to the primorial numbers (11, 11*19, 11*19*29, ... and 3, 3*7, 3*7*13, ...). In the same manner that A025487 can be defined as products of primorial numbers, an alternative description of this sequence is that it is the set of all products of the two primorial analogues.
Andrew Howroyd, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000
Primes in this sequence are 3 and 11 because these are the smallest primes in the two classes.
Semiprimes in this sequence are 9 = 3^2, 21 = 3*7, 33 = 3*11, 121 = 11^2, 209 = 11*19 because 3, 7 are the smallest primes ending with either 3 or 7 and 11, 19 are the smallest primes ending with either 1 or 9.
GenS(lim, pred)={my(L=List(), S=[1]); forprime(p=2, oo, if(pred(p), listput(L, S); my(pp=vector(logint(lim, p), i, p^i)); S=concat([k*pp[1..min(if(k>1, my(f=factor(k)[, 2]); f[#f], oo), logint(lim\k, p))] | k<-S]); if(!#S, return(Set(concat(L)))) ))}
Merge(s1, s2, lim)={Set(concat(vector(#s1, i, [t | t<-s1[i]*s2, t<=lim])))}
lista331029(lim)={Merge(GenS(lim, k->abs(k%10-5)==2), GenS(lim, k->abs(k%10-5)==4), lim)}
{ lista331029(10^4) }
Andrew Howroyd, Jan 07 2020