Numbers of the form k = p*q + p*r + q*r where p < q < r are distinct primes such that 2*k-p*q, 2*k-p*r and 2*k-q*r are prime.
103, 119, 151, 327, 355, 439, 451, 503, 511, 583, 711, 723, 727, 751, 791, 887, 1063, 1091, 1119, 1175, 1223, 1251, 1447, 1551, 1647, 1751, 1951, 1991, 2071, 2151, 2583, 2651, 2743, 2775, 2791, 2903, 2915, 2951, 2967, 3075, 3079, 3171, 3191, 3311, 3335, 3367, 3371, 3435, 3491, 3575, 3579, 3651
The first term that occurs for two different triples (p,q,r) is 791, which corresponds to (p,q,r) = (3,5,97) and (3,17,37).
The first term that occurs for three different triples (p,q,r) is 66135, which corresponds to (p,q,r) = (11,71,797), (17,29,1427) and (17,59,857).
All terms == 3 (mod 4).
If p <> 3, then p,q,r are all congruent mod 6 so k is divisible by 3.
If 5 is not p or q, then two of (p,q,r) are congruent to each other mod 10.
a(3) = 151 is in the sequence because (p,q,r)=(3,7,13) are distinct primes such that p*q+p*r+q*r=151 and 2*151-p*q=281, 2*151-p*r=263 and 2*151-q*r=211 are primes.
N:= 4000: # to get all terms <= N
filter:= proc(p, q, r)
isprime(p*q+2*p*r+2*q*r) and isprime(2*p*q+p*r+2*q*r) and isprime(2*p*q+2*p*r+q*r)
end proc:
Primes:= select(isprime, [seq(i, i=3..N/8, 2)]):
R:= {}:
for ip from 1 do
p:= Primes[ip];
if 3*p^2 >= N then break fi;
for iq from ip+1 do
q:= Primes[iq];
if 2*p*q + q^2 >= N then break fi;
for ir from iq+1 do
r:= Primes[ir];
s:= p*q + q*r + p*r;
if s > N then break fi;
if filter(p, q, r) then
R:= R union {s};
od od od:
sort(convert(R, list));
M = 4000; (* to get all terms <= M *)
filterQ[p_, q_, r_] := PrimeQ[p q + 2 p r + 2 q r] && PrimeQ[2 p q + p r + 2 q r] && PrimeQ[2 p q + 2 p r + q r];
primes = Select[Table[i, {i, 3, M/8, 2}], PrimeQ];
R = {};
For[ip = 1, True, ip++, p = primes[[ip]]; If[3 p^2 >= M, Break[]]; For[iq = ip + 1, True, iq++, q = primes[[iq]]; If[2 p q + q^2 >= M, Break[]]; For[ir = iq + 1, True, ir++, r = primes[[ir]]; s = p q + q r + p r; If[s > M, Break[]]; If[filterQ[p, q, r], R = Union[R, {s}]]]]];
R (* Jean-François Alcover, Jul 31 2020, after Robert Israel *)
Cf. A328822 (primes in this sequence).
Sequence in context: A140817 A274518 A066131 * A095639 A193143 A098049
J. M. Bergot and Robert Israel, Oct 27 2019