Numbers whose omega-sequence does not cover an initial interval of positive integers.
8, 16, 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 42, 48, 54, 56, 64, 66, 70, 72, 78, 80, 81, 88, 96, 100, 102, 104, 105, 108, 110, 112, 114, 120, 125, 128, 130, 135, 136, 138, 144, 152, 154, 160, 162, 165, 168, 170, 174, 176, 180, 182, 184, 186, 189, 190, 192, 195, 196, 200
We define the omega-sequence of n (row n of A323023) to have length A323014(n) = adjusted frequency depth of n, and the k-th term is Omega(red^{k-1}(n)), where Omega = A001222 and red^{k} is the k-th functional iteration of red = A181819, defined by red(n = p^i*...*q^j) = prime(i)*...*prime(j) = product of primes indexed by the prime exponents of n. For example, we have 180 -> 18 -> 6 -> 4 -> 3, so the omega-sequence of 180 is (5,3,2,2,1).
The sequence of terms together with their omega sequences begins:
8: 3->1 108: 5->2->2->1 189: 4->2->2->1
16: 4->1 110: 3->3->1 190: 3->3->1
24: 4->2->2->1 112: 5->2->2->1 192: 7->2->2->1
27: 3->1 114: 3->3->1 195: 3->3->1
30: 3->3->1 120: 5->3->2->2->1 196: 4->2->1
32: 5->1 125: 3->1 200: 5->2->2->1
36: 4->2->1 128: 7->1 208: 5->2->2->1
40: 4->2->2->1 130: 3->3->1 210: 4->4->1
42: 3->3->1 135: 4->2->2->1 216: 6->2->1
48: 5->2->2->1 136: 4->2->2->1 222: 3->3->1
54: 4->2->2->1 138: 3->3->1 224: 6->2->2->1
56: 4->2->2->1 144: 6->2->2->1 225: 4->2->1
64: 6->1 152: 4->2->2->1 230: 3->3->1
66: 3->3->1 154: 3->3->1 231: 3->3->1
70: 3->3->1 160: 6->2->2->1 232: 4->2->2->1
72: 5->2->2->1 162: 5->2->2->1 238: 3->3->1
78: 3->3->1 165: 3->3->1 240: 6->3->2->2->1
80: 5->2->2->1 168: 5->3->2->2->1 243: 5->1
81: 4->1 170: 3->3->1 246: 3->3->1
88: 4->2->2->1 174: 3->3->1 248: 4->2->2->1
96: 6->2->2->1 176: 5->2->2->1 250: 4->2->2->1
100: 4->2->1 180: 5->3->2->2->1 252: 5->3->2->2->1
102: 3->3->1 182: 3->3->1 255: 3->3->1
104: 4->2->2->1 184: 4->2->2->1 256: 8->1
105: 3->3->1 186: 3->3->1 258: 3->3->1
normQ[m_]:=Or[m=={}, Union[m]==Range[Max[m]]];
omseq[n_Integer]:=If[n<=1, {}, Total/@NestWhileList[Sort[Length/@Split[#]]&, Sort[Last/@FactorInteger[n]], Total[#]>1&]];
Select[Range[100], !normQ[omseq[#]]&]
Complement of A325251.
Omega-sequence statistics: A001222 (first omega), A001221 (second omega), A071625 (third omega), A323022 (fourth omega), A304465 (second-to-last omega), A182850 or A323014 (length/frequency depth), A325248 (Heinz number), A325249 (sum).
Sequence in context: A188438 A282256 A037370 * A333195 A229972 A144591
Gus Wiseman, Apr 23 2019