
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Numbers n that are not multiples of 10 and such that 10*n*R(n) is a square, where R(n) = A004086(n) is the decimal digits of n reversed.
544968, 547658, 560106, 601065, 856745, 869445, 2495295, 4601685, 5606106, 5861064, 5925942, 6016065, 20861005, 21778875, 22972005, 29389855, 42251835, 50016802, 50027922, 51826326, 53815224, 55898392, 56066106, 56570706, 56873466, 57887712, 60166065, 60707565
10*a(n) are exactly the terms in A322835 that are not multiples of 100.
m is a term if and only if R(m) is a term.
The product of the first and last digits of a term is a multiple of 10, i.e., the first and last digits of a term are the digit 5 and an even nonzero digit.
The sequence has an infinite number of terms. For instance, 601x065 is a term where x is a string of k repeated digits 6 and k >= 0, i.e., 601065, 6016065, 60166065, etc. Similarly numbers of the form 560x106 are also terms.
To see this, let a = 601*10^(3+k) + 65 + 6000*(10^k-1)/9. Then R(a) = 56*10^(4+k) + 106 + 6000*(10^k-1)/9. The number 10*a*R(a) can be written as 30360100*(10^(k + 3) - 1)^2/9 whose square root is 5510*(10^(k + 3) - 1)/3.
From Chai Wah Wu, Feb 18 2019: (Start)
22994x77005 is a term where x is a string of k repeated digits 9 and k >= 0. Let a = 22994*10^(5+k) + 77005 + 100000*(10^k-1). Then R(a) = 50077*10^(5+k) + 49922 + 100000*(10^k-1). The number 10*a*R(a) can be written as 11515436100*(10^(k+5) - 1)^2, whose square root is 107310*(10^(k+5) - 1).
23804x76195 is a term where x is a string of k repeated digits 9 and k >= 0. Let a = 23804*10^(5+k) + 76195 + 100000*(10^k-1). Then R(a) = 59167*10^(5+k) + 40832 + 100000*(10^k-1). The number 10*a*R(a) can be written as 14084942400*(10^(k+5) - 1)^2, whose square root is 118680*(10^(k+5) - 1).
If w is a term with decimal representation a, then the number n corresponding to the string axa is also a term, where x is a string of k repeated digits 0 and k >= 0. The number n = w*10^(k+m)+w = w*(10^(k+m)+1) where m is the number of digits of w. Note that n is also not a multiple of 10. Then R(n) = R(w)*10^(k+m)+R(w) = R(w)(10^(k+m)+1). Then 10*n*R(n) = 10*w*R(w)(10^(k+m)+1)^2 which is a square since w is a term.
The same argument shows that numbers corresponding to axaxa, axaxaxa, ..., are also terms.
For example, since 544968 is a term, so are 544968544968, 5449680544968, 54496800544968, 5449680054496800544968, etc.
Giovanni Resta, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..200 (first 54 terms from Chai Wah Wu)
238026195 * 591620832 * 10 = 1186681320^2.
Select[Range[61*10^6], Mod[#, 10]!=0&&IntegerQ[Sqrt[10# IntegerReverse[ #]]]&] (* Requires Mathematica version 10 or later *) (* Harvey P. Dale, Jun 16 2020 *)
(PARI) isok(n) = (n % 10) && issquare(10*n*fromdigits(Vecrev(digits(n)))); \\ Michel Marcus, Jan 10 2019
Sequence in context: A269323 A043667 A126722 * A184568 A320622 A218098
Chai Wah Wu, Jan 07 2019