a(n) is the area of the surface made of the rectangles with vertices (d, n/d), (D, n/d), (D, n/D), (d, n/D) for all (d, D), pair of consecutive divisors of n.
0, 1, 4, 4, 16, 7, 36, 12, 24, 19, 100, 17, 144, 39, 44, 32, 256, 33, 324, 41, 72, 103, 484, 40, 160, 147, 108, 65, 784, 57, 900, 80, 152, 259, 228, 66, 1296, 327, 204, 93, 1600, 99, 1764, 137, 160, 487, 2116, 92, 504, 165, 332, 185, 2704, 135, 388
a(1) = 0.
a(p) = (p-1)^2 for p a prime number.
a(p^k) = (p-1)^2*k*p^(k-1) for p^k a prime power.
a(p*q) = 2*(p-1)^2*q + (q-p)^2 for p and q primes (p < q).
a(n) = (n/2 - 1)^2 + 3 if n=2*p with p a prime greater than 2.
a(n) = (n/p + F(p-1))^2 + p^2 - F(p-1)^2 if n = p*q, p < q primes; where F denotes the Fibonacci polynomial, F(x) = x^2 - x - 1 (see A165900).
For more complex factorization patterns of n, the formula depends on the factorization pattern of the sequence of divisors of n (see A191743 or A290110), e.g.:
a(p^2*q) = 4*p*q*(p-1)^2 + (q-p^2)^2 if 1 < p < p^2 < q < p*q < p^2*q,
a(p^2*q) = 2*p*q*(p-1)^2 + 2*p*(q-p)^2 + (p^2-q)^2 if 1 < p < q < p^2 < p*q < p^2*q.
a(n) = Sum_{i=1..tau(n)-1} (d_[tau(n)-i+1] - d_[tau(n)-i])*(d_[i+1] - d_[i]), where {d_i}, i=1..tau(n) is the increasing sequence of divisors of n. - Ridouane Oudra, Oct 17 2021
The divisors of n=12 are {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12}. The widths of the rectangles from the definition are obtained by difference: {1, 1, 1, 2, 6}. By symmetry, their heights are the same, but in reverse order: {6, 2, 1, 1, 1}. The sought total area is the sum of products width*height of each rectangle, in other words it is the dot product 1*6 + 1*2 + 1*1 + 2*1 + 6*1. Result: 17. So, a(12)=17.
a[n_] := Module[{x = Differences[Divisors[n]]}, Plus @@ (x*Reverse[x])];
Table[a[n], {n, 1, 55}]
(PARI) arect(n, d, D) = (D-d)*(n/d - n/D);
a(n) = my(vd = divisors(n)); sum(k=1, #vd-1, arect(n, vd[k], vd[k+1])); \\ Michel Marcus, Oct 28 2018
Cf. A191743, A290110 (introducing factorization patterns of sequences of divisors).
Cf. A165900 (the Fibonacci polynomial).
Sequence in context: A040004 A079611 A246763 * A227074 A174595 A160020
Luc Rousseau, Sep 09 2018