
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Number of legal chess positions with a total of n black and white pieces, reduced for symmetry.
462, 368079, 125246598, 25912594054, 3787154440416, 423836835667331, 38176306877748245
a(n) is the number of legal chess positions with n pieces on the board.
See Kirill Kryukov's webpage (in the Links section) for the explanations of these computations and of symmetries taken into account to avoid double counting, and for the definition of "legal" position. Note that some "legal" positions are not reachable in a game: e.g., white Ka1 vs. black Kc3 + Qc2 + Qb3 (black to move) is counted in a(4), although it is impossible to reach such a position.
The rapid growth of this sequence illustrates why exhaustive endgame databases at chess quickly require several hundred terabytes, even with a small number of pieces on the board.
There are 3612 ways to place 2 kings on a chessbard so that they are not in check, which would not be a legal position: this decomposes as 3612 = 4*(64-4) [when white king is in a corner] + 6*4*(64-6) [when white king is on a side] + (64-28)*(64-9) [when white king is not touching any side of the board]. Killing "isomorphic" positions due to symmetries reduces this number to 462 remaining different positions. Symmetries roughly lead to a division by 8, but not exactly, because they have some fixed points (e.g., the position with kings on A1 and H8 is a fixed point for the diagonal symmetry). Therefore a(2)=462.
Cf. A048987 for another enumeration of chess positions.
Sequence in context: A035847 A140905 A208619 * A295432 A213406 A294853
Cyril Banderier, Aug 22 2018