The determinant of an n X n Toeplitz matrix M(n) whose first row consists of successive prime numbers prime(1), ..., prime(n) and whose first column consists of prime(1), prime(n + 1), ..., prime(2*n - 1).

%I #41 Mar 27 2019 03:59:20

%S 2,-11,158,-6513,202790,-12710761,578257422,-45608219247,

%T 8774909485920,-579515898830751,115918088707226940,

%U -16737522590543449641,1282860173728469083872,-189053227741259934603831,55171097827950314187327460,-16235234399834578732807710581

%N The determinant of an n X n Toeplitz matrix M(n) whose first row consists of successive prime numbers prime(1), ..., prime(n) and whose first column consists of prime(1), prime(n + 1), ..., prime(2*n - 1).

%C The trace of the matrix M(n) is A005843(n).

%C The sum of the first row of the matrix M(n) is A007504(n).

%C The permanent of the matrix M(n) is A306457(n).

%C For n > 1, the subdiagonal sum of the matrix M(n) is A306192(n).

%H Robert Israel, <a href="/A318173/b318173.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..302</a>

%H Wikipedia, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toeplitz_matrix">Toeplitz Matrix</a>

%e For n = 1 the matrix M(1) is

%e 2

%e with determinant Det(M(1)) = 2.

%e For n = 2 the matrix M(2) is

%e 2, 3

%e 5, 2

%e with Det(M(2)) = -11.

%e For n = 3 the matrix M(3) is

%e 2, 3, 5

%e 7, 2, 3

%e 11, 7, 2

%e with Det(M(3)) = 158.

%p f:= proc(n) uses LinearAlgebra;

%p Determinant(ToeplitzMatrix([seq(ithprime(i),i=2*n-1..n+1,-1),seq(ithprime(i),i=1..n)]))

%p end proc:

%p map(f, [$1..20]); # _Robert Israel_, Aug 30 2018

%t p[i_]:=Prime[i]; a[n_]:=Det[ToeplitzMatrix[Join[{p[1]},Array[p,n-1,{n+1,2*n-1}]],Array[p,n]]]; Array[a,20]

%o (PARI) tm(n) = {my(m = matrix(n, n, i, j, if (i==1, prime(j), if (j==1, prime(n+i-1))))); for (i=2, n, for (j=2, n, m[i,j] = m[i-1, j-1];);); m;}

%o a(n) = matdet(tm(n)); \\ _Michel Marcus_, Mar 17 2019

%Y Cf. A005843, A000040, A007504, A306457, A306192.

%K sign

%O 1,1

%A _Stefano Spezia_, Aug 20 2018