Smallest integer N such that all numbers from 1 to n (n being N's rank in the sequence) can be built by the sum of contiguous digits of N.
1, 11, 12, 112, 113, 132, 1114, 1133, 1143, 11134, 11144, 11154, 11443, 111155, 111165, 111544, 111554, 256318, 1111555, 1111655, 1111665, 1115554, 1194332, 11111766, 11111776, 11116565, 11116665, 12337741, 12377441, 111116766, 111117676, 111117776, 111166665, 113777242, 123377741, 123777441
The 18th term (256318) is peculiar: it is the only one among the first 43 terms of the sequence that doesn't start with 1 and it is the only one having a digit-sum (25) larger than its rank in the sequence (18).
Barry Schwarz has computed a(44) to a(59), the latter being the second term of the sequence not to start with 1; a(59) = 213388888552. Barry estimates that a(60) probably has at least 13 digits.
a(60) = 1111111999998 has indeed 13 digits. a(100) <= 11123999999999461. - Giovanni Resta, Aug 01 2019
Giovanni Resta, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..85 (terms 1..59 from Jean-Marc Falcoz and Barry Schwarz)
The 18th term of the sequence is 256318. The 18 numbers from 1 to 18 can be built summing a certain set of contiguous digits of 256318: 1 is the digit 1; 2 is the digit 2; 3 is the digit 3; 4 is 3+1 (contiguous); 5 is the digit 5; 6 is the digit 6; 7 is 2+5 (contiguous); 8 is the digit 8; 9 is 6+3 (contiguous); 10 is 6+3+1 (contiguous); 11 is 5+6 (contiguous); 12 is 3+1+8 (contiguous); 13 is 2+5+6 (contiguous); 14 is 5+6+3 (contiguous); 15 is 5+6+3+1 (contiguous); 16 is 2+5+6+3 (contiguous); 17 is 2+5+6+3+1 (contiguous); 18 is 6+3+1+8 (contiguous).
Array[With[{r = Range@ #}, SelectFirst[Range[10^6], SequenceCount[Union@ Map[Total, #] &@ Apply[Join, Table[Partition[#, i, 1], {i, Length@#}]] &@ IntegerDigits@ #, r] == 1 &]] &, 18] (* or *)
With[{s = Array[LengthWhile[#, # == 1 &] &@ Differences@ Union@ Map[Total, #] &@ Apply[Join, Table[Partition[#, i, 1], {i, Length@ #}]] &@ IntegerDigits@ # &, 10^6]}, SelectFirst[#, FreeQ[IntegerDigits@#, 0] &] & /@ Values@ PositionIndex@ s] (* Michael De Vlieger, Dec 13 2017 *)
Sequence in context: A379984 A342944 A363931 * A110380 A164854 A033047