It is assumed that the first walk turns left and that all walks end when they intersect themselves.
MathStackExchange, Expected Number of Steps Before Intersection, Oct 2017.
For n = 4 we have the simplest self-intersecting walk, which is a square.
For n = 5 we have the walk:
(0,0), (0,1), (-1,1), (-1, 2), (0,2), (0,1)
For n = 6 we have the walks:
(0,0), (0,1), (-1,1), (-1, 0), (-2,0), (-2,1), (-1,1)
(0,0), (0,1), (-1,1), (-1, 2), (-2,2), (-2,1), (-1,1)
(Visual Basic for Excel)
Const N = 50
Const MaxSteps = 43
Dim BeenHere() As Boolean
Dim LoopBacks(MaxSteps) As Long
Dim PosX As Integer, PosY As Integer
Sub Macro1()
ReDim BeenHere(N, N)
PosX = N / 2: PosY = N / 2
BeenHere(PosX, PosY) = True
PosX = PosX + 1
BeenHere(PosX, PosY) = True
PosY = PosY - 1
BeenHere(PosX, PosY) = True
DoSteps 2, 3, PosX, PosY, BeenHere()
For i = 4 To MaxSteps
Cells(i - 1, 3).Value = i
Cells(i - 1, 4).Value = LoopBacks(i)
Next i
End Sub
Sub DoSteps(ByVal StepNo As Integer, Dir As Integer, X As Integer, Y As Integer, BH() As Boolean)
Dim BH2() As Boolean
Dim X1 As Integer, Y1 As Integer, X2 As Integer, Y2 As Integer
Dim Dir1 As Integer, Dir2 As Integer
BH2 = BH
StepNo = StepNo + 1
Select Case Dir
Case 1, 3 ' North or South
Dir1 = 2: X1 = X + 1: Y1 = Y
Dir2 = 4: X2 = X - 1: Y2 = Y
Case 2, 4 ' East or West
Dir1 = 1: Y1 = Y + 1: X1 = X
Dir2 = 3: Y2 = Y - 1: X2 = X
End Select
If BH2(X1, Y1) Then
LoopBacks(StepNo) = LoopBacks(StepNo) + 1
ElseIf StepNo < MaxSteps Then
BH2(X1, Y1) = True
DoSteps StepNo, Dir1, X1, Y1, BH2()
BH2(X1, Y1) = False
End If
If BH2(X2, Y2) Then
LoopBacks(StepNo) = LoopBacks(StepNo) + 1
ElseIf StepNo < MaxSteps Then
BH2(X2, Y2) = True
DoSteps StepNo, Dir2, X2, Y2, BH2()
End If
End Sub
Jens Randrup Rasmussen, Oct 18 2017
The terms starting from a(11) and the program corrected by Jens Randrup Rasmussen, Oct 29 2017