Numbers n such that the following process converges to zero: x(0)=n, x(i+1) = x(i) XOR ror(x(i)) XOR rol(x(i)), see the Comments section for details.

%I #14 May 21 2016 22:40:07

%S 0,5,6,9,24,29,34,40,43,45,48,51,54,57,65,66,68,71,75,77,80,83,86,89,

%T 90,92,101,102,111,129,130,135,139,141,153,154,159,180,189,198,204,

%U 209,216,219,226,231,232,238,257,260,263,267,272,275,277,278,282,284,297

%N Numbers n such that the following process converges to zero: x(0)=n, x(i+1) = x(i) XOR ror(x(i)) XOR rol(x(i)), see the Comments section for details.

%C Numbers n such that the following process converges to zero: x(0)=n, x(i+1) = x(i) XOR ror(x(i)) XOR rol(x(i)), where XOR is the binary exclusive-or operator, ror(x)=A038572(x) is x rotated one binary place to the right, and similarly rol(x)=A006257(n) is x rotated one binary place to the left.

%e n=5: x(0)=5, x(1) = 5 xor 6 xor 3 = 0.

%e n=6: x(0)=6, x(1) = 6 xor 5 xor 3 = 0.

%e n=9: x(0)=9, x(1) = 9 xor 12 xor 3 = 6, x(2)=0.

%e n=10: x(0)=10, x(1) = 10 xor 5 xor 5 = 10, and x(i)=10 for i>1.

%e n=17: x(0)=17, x(1) = 17 xor 24 xor 3 = 10, and x(i)=10 for i>1.

%e So 5, 6, 9 are in the sequence, 10 and 17 are not.

%t Select[Range[0, 300], Nest[BitXor[BitXor[#, FromDigits[ RotateRight[ IntegerDigits[#, 2]], 2]], FromDigits[ RotateLeft[ IntegerDigits[#, 2]], 2]] &, #, 120] == 0 &] (* _Michael De Vlieger_, May 14 2016 *)

%o (Python)

%o def ROR(n): # returns A038572(n)

%o BL = len(bin(n))-2

%o return (n>>1) + ((n&1) << (BL-1))

%o def ROL(n): # returns A006257(n)

%o BL = len(bin(n))-2

%o return (n*2) - (1<<BL) + 1

%o for n in range(1000):

%o X = n

%o Xs = []

%o while not (X in Xs):

%o Xs.append(X)

%o if X==0:

%o print str(n)+',',

%o break

%o X = X ^ ROR(X) ^ ROL(X)

%Y Cf. A038572, A006257.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,2

%A _Alex Ratushnyak_, May 13 2016