
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Sum over the genera g of the number of immersions of an oriented circle with n crossings in an unoriented surface of genus g.
1, 3, 14, 120, 1556, 27974, 618824, 16223180, 490127050, 16761331644, 639969571892, 26985326408240, 1245476099801252, 62451726395242858, 3380720087847928728, 196504354827002278248, 12206388156005725243280, 806977883623811932432386, 56573396893818112613554940, 4192088709829783508863131872
a(n) is the sum over the n-th row of the triangle A260885.
a(n) is also the number of double cosets of H\G/K where G is the symmetric group S(2n), H is the subgroup generated by the centralizer of the circular permutation β = (1,2,3,...,2n) of G, K is a subgroup of G generated by the permutation ρ = (1,2)(3,4)...(2n-3,2n-2)(2n-1,2n), using cycle notation, and the subgroup (isomorphic with S(n)) that commutes with ρ and permutes odd resp. even integers among themselves.
For g > 0 the immersions are understood up to stable geotopy equivalence (the counted curves cannot be immersed in a surface of smaller genus). - Robert Coquereaux, Nov 23 2015
R. Coquereaux, J.-B. Zuber, Maps, immersions and permutations, arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.03163, 2015. Also J. Knot Theory Ramifications 25, 1650047 (2016), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0218216516500474
(Magma) /* For all n */
nbofdblecos := function(G, H, K);
CG := Classes(G); nCG := #CG; oG := #G; CH := Classes(H); nCH := #CH; oH := #H; CK := Classes(K); nCK := #CK; oK := #K;
resH := []; for mu in [1..nCG] do Gmurep := CG[mu][3]; Hmupositions := {j: j in [1..nCH] | CycleStructure(CH[j][3]) eq CycleStructure(Gmurep)};
Hmugoodpositions := {j : j in Hmupositions | IsConjugate(G, CH[j][3], Gmurep) eq true}; bide := 0; for j in Hmugoodpositions do bide := bide + CH[j][2]; end for;
Append(~resH, bide); end for;
resK := []; for mu in [1..nCG] do Gmurep := CG[mu][3]; Kmupositions := {j: j in [1..nCK] | CycleStructure(CK[j][3]) eq CycleStructure(Gmurep)};
Kmugoodpositions := {j : j in Kmupositions | IsConjugate(G, CK[j][3], Gmurep) eq true}; bide := 0; for j in Kmugoodpositions do bide := bide + CK[j][2]; end for;
Append(~resK, bide); end for;
ndcl := 0; tot := 0; for mu in [1..nCG] do tot := tot + resH[mu]* resK[mu]/CG[mu][2]; end for; ndcl:= tot * oG/(oH * oK); return ndcl;
end function;
OUfull := function(n); G:=Sym(2*n); genH:={}; for j in [1..(n-1)] do v := G!(1, 2*j+1)(2, 2*j+2); Include(~genH, v) ; end for;
H := PermutationGroup< 2*n |genH>;
beta:=G!Append([2..2*n], 1); Cbeta:=Centralizer(G, beta);
rho:=Identity(G); for j in [0..(n-1)] do v := G ! (2*j+1, 2*j+2) ; rho := rho*v ; end for;
cycrho := PermutationGroup< 2*n |{rho}>; Hcycrho:=sub<G|[H, cycrho]>;
return nbofdblecos(G, Hcycrho, Cbeta); end function;
[OUfull(n) : n in [1..10]]; //
Robert Coquereaux, Aug 02 2015