Consider numbers n = concat(w,x,y,z) such that w*x*y*z | n. Leading zeros in x, y and z allowed. Sequence lists numbers that admit at least two such concatenations.
11424, 13248, 14112, 16128, 16632, 17136, 18144, 41328, 91728, 101112, 102144, 102816, 104832, 106272, 111012, 111375, 112288, 112896, 114048, 114240, 114912, 116160, 116928, 123120, 132480, 140112, 141120, 161280, 166320, 171171, 171360, 181440, 203112, 204288, 204336, 220416, 231012, 233772, 239616
11424 / (1*1*4*24)=119, 11424 / (1*1*42*4)=68 and 11424 / (1 14*2*4) but 11424 / (11*4*2*4) is 357/11, not an integer. So 11424 is the concatenation of three sets of four integers whose products divide 11424.
with(numtheory); P:=proc(q) local a, ab, b, c, cd, d, i, j, k, m, n, v, w, z;
v:=array(1..10, 1..4); w:=[]; for n from 1 to q do j:=0;
for i from 1 to ilog10(n) do c:=(n mod 10^i); ab:=trunc(n/10^i);
for k from 1 to ilog10(ab) do d:=(ab mod 10^k); cd:=trunc(ab/10^k);
for z from 1 to ilog10(cd) do a:=trunc(cd/10^z); b:=cd-a*10^z;
if a*b*c*d>0 then if type(n/(a*b*c*d), integer) then j:=j+1;
w:=sort([a, b, c, d]); for m from 1 to 4 do v[j, m]:=w[m]; od;
for m from 1 to j-1 do if v[m, 1]=v[j, 1] and v[m, 2]=v[j, 2] and v[m, 3]=v[j, 3] and v[m, 4]=v[j, 4]
then j:=j-1; break; fi; od; fi; fi; od; od; od;
if j>1 then print(n); fi; od; end: P(10^9);
fQ[n_] := Block[{id = IntegerDigits@ n}, lng = Length@ id; t = Times @@@ Union[ Sort /@ Partition[ Flatten@ Table[{FromDigits@ Take[id, {1, i}], FromDigits@ Take[id, {i + 1, j}], FromDigits@ Take[id, {j + 1, k}], FromDigits@ Take[id, {k + 1, lng}]}, {i, 1, lng - 3}, {j, i + 1, lng - 2}, {k, j + 1, lng - 1}], 4]]; Count[IntegerQ /@ (n/t), True] > 1]; k = 1000; lst = {}; While[k < 100000001, If[fQ@ k, AppendTo[lst, k]]; k++]; lst
Cf. A256518.
Sequence in context: A157655 A262399 A115753 * A269217 A154064 A140922