Let the sequence be A = {a(i)}, i = 1, 2, 3,... and define p(i) =
log_2[(i+1)^2/(i^2+2*i)]. Additionally, define u(j, k) = k*p(j) - N(j, k), where N(j, k) is the number of occurrences of j in {a(i)}, i = 1,..., k-1. Refer to the first argument of u as the "index" of u. Then A is defined by a(1) = 1 and, for i > 1, a(i) = m, where m is the index of the maximal element of the set {u(j, i)}, j = 1, 2, 3,... That there is a single maximal element for all i is guaranteed by the fact that p(i) - p(j) is irrational for all i not equal to j.
Interpreting sequence A as the partial coefficients of the continued fraction expansion of a real number C, say, then C = 1.44224780173510148... which is, by construction, normal (in the continued fraction sense).
The geometric mean of the sequence equals Khintchine's constant K=2.685452001 = A002210 since the frequency of the integers agrees with the Gauss-Kuzmin distribution. - Jwalin Bhatt, Feb 11 2025
Jonathan Deane, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
Jonathan Deane, An integer sequence whose members obey a given p.d.f.
pdf := i -> -log[2](1 - 1/(i+1)^2);
gen_seq := proc(n)
local i, j, N, A, u, mm, ndig;
ndig := 40; N := 'N';
for i from 1 to n do N[i] := 0; end do;
A := 'A'; A[1] := 1; N[1] := 1;
for i from 2 to n do
u := 'u';
for j from 1 to n do
u[j] := i*pdf(j) - N[j];
end do;
mm := max_maxind(evalf(convert(u, list), ndig));
if mm[3] then
A[i] := mm[1];
N[mm[1]] := N[mm[1]] + 1;
end if;
end do;
return(convert(A, list));
max_maxind := proc(inl)
local uniq, mxind, mx, i;
uniq := `true`;
if nops(inl) = 1 then return([1, inl[1], uniq]); end if;
mxind := 1; mx := inl[1];
for i from 2 to nops(inl) do
if inl[i] > mx then
mxind := i;
mx := inl[i];
uniq := `true`;
elif inl[i] = mx then
uniq := `false`;
end if;
end do;
return([mxind, mx, uniq]);
from fractions import Fraction
def prob_count_diff(j, k, count):
return - ((1 - Fraction(1, (j+1)*(j+1)))**k) * (2**count)
def sample_pdf(n):
coeffs, unreached_val, counts = [], 1, {}
for k in range(1, n+1):
prob_count_diffs = [prob_count_diff(i, k, counts.get(i, 0)) for i in range(1, unreached_val+1)]
most_probable = prob_count_diffs.index(max(prob_count_diffs)) + 1
unreached_val += most_probable == unreached_val
counts[most_probable] = counts.get(most_probable, 0) + 1
return coeffs
A241773 = sample_pdf(120) # Jwalin Bhatt, Feb 09 2025
Jonathan Deane, Apr 28 2014