
Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.

Number T(n,k) of equivalence classes of ways of placing k 9 X 9 tiles in an n X n square under all symmetry operations of the square; irregular triangle T(n,k), n>=9, 0<=k<=floor(n/9)^2, read by rows.
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 6, 1, 6, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 15, 1, 15, 30, 5, 1, 1, 21, 96, 74, 14, 1, 21, 221, 413, 174, 1, 28, 417, 1525, 1234, 1, 28, 705, 4290, 6124, 1, 36, 1107, 10269, 23259, 1, 36, 1638, 21630, 73204, 1, 45, 2334, 41790, 199436
Christopher Hunt Gribble, C++ program
Christopher Hunt Gribble, Example graphics
It appears that:
T(n,0) = 1, n>= 9
T(n,1) = (floor((n-9)/2)+1)*(floor((n-9)/2+2))/2, n >= 9
T(c+2*9,2) = A131474(c+1)*(9-1) + A000217(c+1)*floor(9^2/4) + A014409(c+2), 0 <= c < 9, c even
T(c+2*9,2) = A131474(c+1)*(9-1) + A000217(c+1)*floor((9-1)(9-3)/4) + A014409(c+2), 0 <= c < 9, c odd
T(c+2*9,3) = (c+1)(c+2)/2(2*A002623(c-1)*floor((9-c-1)/2) + A131941(c+1)*floor((9-c)/2)) + S(c+1,3c+2,3), 0 <= c < 9 where
S(c+1,3c+2,3) =
A054252(2,3), c = 0
A236679(5,3), c = 1
A236560(8,3), c = 2
A236757(11,3), c = 3
A236800(14,3), c = 4
A236829(17,3), c = 5
A236865(20,3), c = 6
A236915(23,3), c = 7
A236936(26,3), c = 8
The first 17 rows of T(n,k) are:
.\ k 0 1 2 3 4
9 1 1
10 1 1
11 1 3
12 1 3
13 1 6
14 1 6
15 1 10
16 1 10
17 1 15
18 1 15 30 5 1
19 1 21 96 74 14
20 1 21 221 413 174
21 1 28 417 1525 1234
22 1 28 705 4290 6124
23 1 36 1107 10269 23259
24 1 36 1638 21630 73204
25 1 45 2334 41790 199436
T(18,3) = 5 because the number of equivalence classes of ways of placing 3 9 X 9 square tiles in an 18 X 18 square under all symmetry operations of the square is 5.