Washington Bomfim, Rows 1..25, flattened
Harold S. Grant, On a Formula for Circular Permutations, Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Jan. - Feb., 1950), pp. 133-136.
Hiroshi Kajimoto and Mai Osabe, Circular and Necklace Permutations, Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University. Natural Sciences 2006; v.74, 1-14.
S. Karim, J. Sawada, Z. Alamgirz, and S. M. Husnine, Generating bracelets with fixed content, (2011).
S. Karim, J. Sawada, Z. Alamgirz, and S. M. Husnine, Generating bracelets with fixed content, Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 475, 4 March 2013, Pages 103-112.
Math StackExchange, Marko Riedel et. al, Free circular permutations.
Marko Riedel, Maple code for sequence by PET and closed form.
Frank Ruskey, Combinatorial Generation Algorithm Algorithm 4.24, p. 95.
With S = Sum_( d | GCD of the parts of P ) { phi(d) * F(n/d, P/d) },
| (S+n*F((n-1)/2, [P/2]))/(2*n) if odd n, and only 1 odd part in P,
| S/(2*n) if odd n, and other P,
| (S + n * F(n/2, P/2)) / (2*n) if P has all even parts,
a(n)=| (S + n * F((n-2)/2, [P/2])) / (2*n)
| if even n, and P has exactly two odd parts,
| S/(2*n) if even n, and other P.
Where P is a partition of n, P/d is a vector of all the parts of P divided by d. Each element of vector [P/2] is equal to floor(p/2), p one part of P, and F(x,Y) = x! / (Y_1! * Y_2! * ...).
Table begins
Line number 4 is 3,2,2,1,1 because three bracelets, (0 1 2 3), (0 1 3 2), and (0 2 1 3) correspond to partition [1 1 1 1]. (The colors are denoted by 0,1,2, and 3.) Bracelets (0 0 1 2), and (0 1 0 2) which have two beads of color 0, one of color 1, and one of color 2, correspond to [2 1 1]. (0 0 1 1), and (0 1 0 1) => [2 2]; (0 0 0 1) => [3 1], and (0 0 0 0) => [4].
From Marko Riedel, Jan 23 2025 (Start)
The ordering of the partitions used here is graded reflected lexicographic illustrated below with n=5:
1,1,1,1,1 => 12
1,1,1,2 => 6
1,2,2 => 4
1,1,3 => 2
2,3 => 2
1,4 => 1
5 => 1 (End)
N; L = 0; max_n = 25;
x = vector(max_n+1); P = vector(max_n+1); \\ P - partition of n
gcdP(t) = {if(t == 2, return(P[2])); GCD = gcd(P[2], P[3]);
for(J = 4, t, GCD = gcd(GCD, P[J])); return(GCD) }
x_P_div_d(t, d) = for(J = 2, t, x[J] = P[J]/d);
F(a, t)= { b = x[2]!; for(J = 3, t, b *= x[J]!); return(a!/b) }
Sum(t) = { S = 0; GCD = gcdP(t);
fordiv(GCD, d, x_P_div_d(t, d); S+= eulerphi(d) * F(N/d, t)); return(S) }
OneOdd(t) = {K = 0; for(J = 2, t, if(P[J] % 2 == 1, K++)); return(K==1)}
TwoOdd(t) = {K = 0; for(J = 2, t, if(P[J] % 2 == 1, K++)); return(K==2)}
x_floor_P_div_2(t) = for(J = 2, t, x[J] = floor(P[J]/2));
all_even_parts(t) = { for(J = 2, t, if(P[J] % 2 == 1, return(0) ) ); return(1) }
x_P_div_2(t) = for(J = 2, t, x[J] = P[J]/2);
A(t) = {S = Sum(t); L++;
if((N%2==1) && OneOdd(t), x_floor_P_div_2(t);
print(L, " ", (S + N * F((N-1)/2, t))/(2*N)); return() );
if(N%2==1, print(L, " ", S/(2*N)); return() );
if(all_even_parts(t), x_P_div_2(t);
print(L, " ", (S + N * F(N/2, t))/(2*N)); return() );
if((N%2==0) && TwoOdd(t), x_floor_P_div_2(t);
print(L, " ", (S + N * F((N-2)/2, t))/(2*N)); return() );
print(L, " ", S/(2*N)) }
\\ F. Ruskey algorithm 4.24
Part(n, k, t) = { P[t] = k;
if(n == k, A(t), for(j = 1, min(k, n-k), Part(n-k, j, t+1) ) )}
for(n = 1, max_n, N = n; Part(2*n, n, 1) ); \\ b-file format
Washington Bomfim, Jul 22 2012