Central binomial coefficient CB(n) purged of all primes exceeding (n+1)/2.

%I #22 Nov 20 2023 15:31:29

%S 1,1,1,2,2,4,1,2,18,36,6,12,12,24,45,90,10,20,2,4,84,168,14,28,700,

%T 1400,2700,5400,360,720,45,90,2970,5940,11550,23100,23100,46200,90090,

%U 180180,8580,17160,780,1560,70200,140400

%N Central binomial coefficient CB(n) purged of all primes exceeding (n+1)/2.

%C A simple insight shows that the prime factors decomposition of CB(n) = binomial(n, floor(n/2)) (i) does not contain any prime factor greater than n, (ii) contains exactly once all primes in the interval ((n+1)/2, n]. Hence, CB(n) is divisible by the product P2(n) of all primes in ((n+1)/2, n]. The relatively small elements of this sequence are a(n) = CB(n)/P2(n). For n > 6, they can be shown to be devoid of any prime factor exceeding n/3.

%H Stanislav Sykora, <a href="/A212791/b212791.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>

%F a(n) = C(n, floor(n/2))/Product_{n/2 < prime p <= n} p.

%e CB(21) = binomial(21,10) = 21!/(10!11!) = 352716 is divisible by all primes in (11,21] to 1st power, i.e., by 13*17*19 = 4199. Hence a(21) = 352716/4199 = 84.

%o (PARI) {lambda1(n) = result=binomial(n,floor((n+1)\2));forprime(p=1+floor((n+1)\2),n,result=result/p);}

%Y Cf. A001405, A212792, A000040 (primes).

%K nonn

%O 1,4

%A _Stanislav Sykora_, May 27 2012