Triangle read by rows: number of meanders filling out an n X k grid, unreduced for symmetry.
1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 11, 0, 1, 2, 42, 320, 0, 1, 6, 199, 3278, 71648, 0, 1, 10, 858, 29904, 1369736, 55717584, 0, 1, 22, 3881, 285124, 27876028, 2372510658, 213773992667, 0, 1, 42, 17156, 2671052, 549405072, 98927211122, 18677872557034, 3437213982024260
This sequence counts the closed paths that visit every cell of an n X k rectangular lattice at least once, never cross any edge between adjacent squares more than once, and do not self-intersect. Paths related by rotation and/or reflection of the square lattice are counted as separate and equally valid; in other words, these are oriented meanders.
From Jon Wild, Nov 29 2011: (Start)
The values of T(n,4), n >= 4, form a series that increases by a multiplicative factor that gets closer and closer (alternating approaches from above and below) to a value of 4.4547 +/- 0.0007: 11, 42, 199, 858, 3881, 17156, 76707, 341060, 1520623, 6770556, 30165937, 134358958.
The values of T(n,5), n >= 5, form a series that increases by a multiplicative factor that gets closer and closer (alternating approaches from above and below) to a value of 9.421 +/- 0.014: 320, 3278, 29904, 285124, 2671052, 25200508, 237074534. (End)
It appears that T(n>=4,4) satisfies a recurrence with minimal polynomial x^6 - 7*x^5 + 7*x^4 + 10*x^3 - 9*x^2 - 3*x + 1; if so, then the ratio that T(n+1,4)/T(n,4) approaches as n goes to infinity is (1/12)*sqrt(24*sqrt(115)*cos(-(1/3)*Pi + (1/3)*arctan((3/1016)*sqrt(3)*sqrt(18097))) + 273) + (1/2)*sqrt(-(2/3)*sqrt(115)*cos(-(1/3)*Pi + (1/3)*arctan((3/1016)*sqrt(3)*sqrt(18097))) + (201/2)/sqrt(24*sqrt(115)*cos(-(1/3)*Pi + (1/3)*arctan((3/1016)*sqrt(3)*sqrt(18097))) + 273) + 91/6) + 3/4. - D. S. McNeil, Nov 30 2011
T(n,3) is given by A078008, the expansion of (1-x)/(1-x-2*x^2). Benoit Jubin noticed (Nov 22 2011) that T(n,3) is also given by 2*(b(n-2) + b(n-3) + b(n-4) + ... +b(2)).
The 199 meanders on a 6 X 4 rectangle are shown in the supporting png image.
Cf. A200893, where the meanders on an n X k rectangle are unoriented, i.e., the sequence is reduced for symmetry.
Cf. A200749, which counts oriented meanders on an n X n square grid.
Cf. A200000, which counts unoriented meanders on an n X n square grid.
Sequence in context: A288848 A374945 A202952 * A053994 A348942 A057213
Jon Wild, Nov 27 2011
More terms from Alex Chernov, Jan 01 2012