Numbers k such that iterations for the map r -> A061602(r) starting with k ends with a fixed point (factorions A014080).

%I #28 Dec 19 2024 10:07:38

%S 0,1,2,10,11,145,154,223,232,322,405,415,450,451,504,514,540,541,569,

%T 596,659,695,956,965,1023,1032,1123,1132,1203,1213,1223,1230,1231,

%U 1232,1302,1312,1320,1321,1322,1449,1494,1569,1596,1659,1695,1944,1956,1965,2003

%N Numbers k such that iterations for the map r -> A061602(r) starting with k ends with a fixed point (factorions A014080).

%C If k is a term, then (10^k - 1)/9 is also a term. - _Jinyuan Wang_, Nov 07 2020

%e Number 405 is in sequence because 405 -> 145 -> 145 -> ...

%o (PARI) is(k) = {my(t=k, v=List([k])); while(t=sum(i=1, #d=digits(t), d[i]!), if(t==v[#v], return(1), if(sum(i=1, #v-1, t==v[i]), return(0))); listput(v, t)); } \\ _Jinyuan Wang_, Nov 07 2020

%Y Supersequence of A014080 (factorions).

%Y Cf. A061602, A173447, A188284.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,3

%A _Jaroslav Krizek_, Mar 26 2011

%E Missing terms a(1) and a(8)-a(10) added by _Jaroslav Krizek_, Jan 28 2012

%E Name corrected and more terms from _Jinyuan Wang_, Nov 07 2020