%I #9 Mar 30 2012 16:51:57
%S 1,-1,0,1,2,-2,-28,-65,338,3262,4352,-113082,-879140,1145012,68641120,
%T 409571279,-3075414734,-67796919090,-235926569056,6635196777226,
%U 98653814115636,-51631812077716,-17882630766156440,-190179698567684014,1532579370407751292,62028205219536446948,405883930741148425152,-11224575706163698420700,-269584771812788695251352,-338220005828087037972744
%N E.g.f. is inverse of e.g.f. for Catalan numbers.
%D Anthony Mendes and Jeffrey Remmel, Generating functions from symmetric functions, Preliminary version of book, available from Jeffrey Remmel's home page http://math.ucsd.edu/~remmel/, see p. 130.
%F The e.g.f. is 1/(Sum_{n >= 0} (x^n/n!)*binomial(2n,n)/(n+1)).
%Y See A178956/A178957 for the coefficients in the e.g.f. Cf. A000108, A144186/A144187.
%K sign
%O 0,5
%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Dec 31 2010