Number of "ON" cells at n-th stage in simple 2-dimensional cellular automaton (see Comments for precise definition).

%I #41 Mar 22 2024 18:44:12

%S 0,1,9,13,41,45,73,85,169,173,201,213,297,309,393,429,681,685,713,725,

%T 809,821,905,941,1193,1205,1289,1325,1577,1613,1865,1973,2729,2733,

%U 2761,2773,2857,2869,2953,2989,3241,3253,3337,3373,3625,3661,3913,4021,4777,4789

%N Number of "ON" cells at n-th stage in simple 2-dimensional cellular automaton (see Comments for precise definition).

%C On the infinite square grid, we start at stage 0 with all square cells in the OFF state.

%C Define a "peninsula cell" to a cell that is connected to the structure by exactly one of its vertices.

%C At stage 1 we turn ON a single cell in the central position.

%C For n>1, if n is even, at stage n we turn ON all the OFF neighboring cells from cells that were turned in ON at stage n-1.

%C For n>1, if n is odd, at stage n we turn ON all the peninsular OFF cells.

%C For the corresponding corner sequence, see A160796.

%C An animation will show the fractal-like behavior (cf. A139250).

%C For the first differences see A160415. - _Omar E. Pol_, Mar 21 2011

%C First differs from A188343 at a(13). - _Omar E. Pol_, Mar 28 2011

%H David Applegate, Omar E. Pol and N. J. A. Sloane, <a href="/A000695/a000695_1.pdf">The Toothpick Sequence and Other Sequences from Cellular Automata</a>, Congressus Numerantium, Vol. 206 (2010), 157-191. [There is a typo in Theorem 6: (13) should read u(n) = 4.3^(wt(n-1)-1) for n >= 2.],

%H N. J. A. Sloane, <a href="/wiki/Catalog_of_Toothpick_and_CA_Sequences_in_OEIS">Catalog of Toothpick and Cellular Automata Sequences in the OEIS</a>.

%H <a href="/index/Ce#cell">Index entries for sequences related to cellular automata</a>.

%F From _Nathaniel Johnston_, Mar 24 2011: (Start)

%F a(2n-1) = 9 + 4*Sum_{k=2..n} A147610(k) + 28*Sum_{k=2..n-1} A147610(k), n >= 2.

%F a(2n) = 9 + 4*Sum_{k=2..n} A147610(k) + 28*Sum_{k=2..n} A147610(k), n >= 1.

%F (End)

%e If we label the generations of cells turned ON by consecutive numbers we get the cell pattern shown below:

%e 9...............9

%e .888.888.888.888.

%e .878.878.878.878.

%e .8866688.8866688.

%e ...656.....656...

%e .8866444.4446688.

%e .878.434.434.878.

%e .888.4422244.888.

%e .......212.......

%e .888.4422244.888.

%e .878.434.434.878.

%e .8866444.4446688.

%e ...656.....656...

%e .8866688.8866688.

%e .878.878.878.878.

%e .888.888.888.888.

%e 9...............9

%e In the first generation, only the central "1" is ON, a(1)=1. In the next generation, we turn ON eight "2" around the central cell, leading to a(2)=a(1)+8=9. In the third generation, four "3" are turned ON at the vertices of the square, a(3)=a(2)+4=13. And so on...

%t With[{d = 2}, wt[n_] := DigitCount[n, 2, 1]; a[n_] := If[OddQ[n], 3^d + (2^d)*Sum[(2^d - 1)^(wt[k] - 1), {k, 1, (n - 1)/2}] + (2^d)*(3^d - 2)*Sum[(2^d - 1)^(wt[k] - 1), {k, 1, (n - 3)/2}], 3^d + (2^d)*Sum[(2^d - 1)^(wt[k] - 1), {k, 1, n/2 - 1}] + (2^d)*(3^d - 2)*Sum[(2^d - 1)^(wt[k] - 1), {k, 1, n/2 - 1}]]; a[0] = 0; a[1] = 1; Array[a, 50, 0]] (* _Amiram Eldar_, Aug 01 2023 *)

%Y Cf. A139250, A139251, A147562, A147610, A160117, A160119, A160379, A160415, A160796, A188343.

%K nonn

%O 0,3

%A _Omar E. Pol_, May 05 2009

%E Entry revised by _Omar E. Pol_ and _N. J. A. Sloane_, Feb 16 2010, Feb 21 2010

%E a(8) - a(38) from _Nathaniel Johnston_, Nov 06 2010

%E a(13) corrected at the suggestion of _Sean A. Irvine_. Then I corrected 19 terms between a(14) and a(38). Finally I added a(39)-a(42). - _Omar E. Pol_, Mar 21 2011

%E Rule, for n even, edited by _Omar E. Pol_, Mar 22 2011

%E Incorrect comment (in "formula" section) removed by _Omar E. Pol_, Mar 23 2011, with agreement of author.

%E More terms from _Amiram Eldar_, Aug 01 2023