Numbers n divisible by the least prime >= sqrt(n) which are not in A001248 (primes squared).

%I #9 Apr 11 2020 14:53:26

%S 6,10,15,20,28,35,42,55,66,77,88,99,110,130,143,156,170,187,204,221,

%T 238,255,272,304,323,342,368,391,414,437,460,483,506,551,580,609,638,

%U 667,696,725,754,783,812,868,899,930,962,999,1036,1073,1110,1147,1184,1221

%N Numbers n divisible by the least prime >= sqrt(n) which are not in A001248 (primes squared).

%C A subsequence of A157936, contains A157938 as subsequence: cf. formulas.

%H Hugo Pfoertner, <a href="/A157937/b157937.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%F Equals A157936 \ A001248 = A157938 union A006094.

%o (PARI) for( n=5,1999, n % nextprime(sqrtint(n-1)+1) & next; omega(n)>1 & print1(n",")) /* sqrtint(n-1)+1 avoids rounding errors but could be replaced by sqrt(n) for small n */

%Y Cf. A157941.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _M. F. Hasler_, Mar 10 2009