
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

a(n) = smallest prime p such that p-1 and p+1 together have n prime divisors, or a(n) = 0 if no such prime exists.
2, 0, 3, 5, 7, 19, 17, 31, 97, 191, 127, 449, 769, 3329, 6143, 7937, 12799, 51199, 8191, 165887, 65537, 131071, 1179649, 2654209, 7995391, 524287, 10616831, 12910591, 167772161, 113246209, 169869311, 155189249, 1887436799, 3221225473
Prime divisors are counted with multiplicity.
Donovan Johnson and Giovanni Resta, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..46 (terms < 10^13, first 40 terms from Donovan Johnson)
For p=2, the adjacent numbers 1 and 3 together have one prime divisor, hence a(1) = 2. For p=3, the adjacent numbers 2 and 4 together have three prime divisors, hence a(3) = 3. For primes greater than 3, the adjacent numbers are composite and therefore together have at least four prime divisors, so no prime exists whose neighbors together have two prime divisors. Hence a(2) = 0.
For p = 19, p-1 = 18 = 2*3*3 and p+1 = 20 = 2*2*5 together have six prime divisors. All smaller primes are surrounded by numbers which together have fewer or more than six (for 17 there are seven) prime divisors, hence a(6) = 19.
Join[{2, 0}, With[{m=SortBy[{PrimeOmega[#-1]+PrimeOmega[#+1], #}&/@Prime[ Range[200000]], First]}, Transpose[Flatten[Table[Select[m, #[[1]]==n&, 1], {n, 3, 24}], 1]][[2]]]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Sep 24 2013 *)
(PARI) N=10^7; default(primelimit, N); M=26;
/* M must be determined empirically for each N. Program-generated zeros other than a(2) appearing as terms when N and M are increased must be regarded as provisional */
for(m=1, M, t=0; forprime(p=1, N, if(bigomega(p-1)+bigomega(p+1)==m, t=1; print1(p", "); break)); if(t==0, print1("0, "))) \\ Chris Boyd, Mar 24 2014
Cf. A001222 (number of prime divisors of n), A154598, A155850, A154704.
Cf. comments in A239669.
Sequence in context: A216440 A094720 A334495 * A276658 A079510 A216255
J. M. Bergot, Jan 27 2009
Edited, 1151 replaced by 769, 3457 replaced by 3329, extended beyond a(14) by Klaus Brockhaus, Jan 28 2009
a(29)-a(32) from Klaus Brockhaus, Jan 30 2009
a(33)-a(34) from Donovan Johnson, Aug 03 2009