On Jan 10 2009, Zhi-Wei Sun conjectured that any integer greater than 5 can be expressed as the sum of an odd prime and a term in the above sequence; in other words, each n=6,7,... can be written in the form p+P_s+2*P_t with p an odd prime and s,t>0. This has been verified up to 5*10^13 by D. S. McNeil (from London Univ.). Motivated by this conjecture, Qing-Hu Hou (from Nankai Univ.) observed and Zhi-Wei Sun proved that each term a(n) in the above sequence can be uniquely written in the form P_s+2P_t with s,t>0. Sun noted that 2176 cannot be written as the sum of a prime and two Pell numbers; D. S. McNeil found that 393185153350 cannot be written in the form p+P_s+3P_t and 872377759846 cannot be written in the form p+P_s+4P_t, where p is a prime and s and t are nonnegative.
Zhi-Wei Sun has offered a monetary reward for settling this conjecture.
R. Crocker, On a sum of a prime and two powers of two, Pacific J. Math. 36(1971), 103-107.
Zhi-Wei SUN, Table of n, a(n), n=1..179.
D. S. McNeil, Sun's strong conjecture
D. S. McNeil, Various and sundry: a report on Sun's conjectures
Zhi-Wei Sun, A summary concerning my conjecture n=p+F_s+F_t
Terence Tao, A remark on primality testing and decimal expansions, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 91:3 (2011), pp. 405-413.
K. J. Wu and Z.-W. Sun, Covers of the integers with odd moduli and their applications to the forms x^m-2^n and x^2-F_{3n}/2, Math. Comp., in press. arXiv:math.NT/0702382
For n=12 the a(12)=22 solution is 22 = P_4 + 2*P_3.
P[n_]:=P[n]=2*P[n-1]+P[n-2] P[0]=0 P[1]=1 i:=0 Do[Do[If[n==2*P[x]+P[y], i=i+1; Print[i, " ", n]], {x, 1, Max[1, Log[2, n]]}, {y, 1, Log[2, n]+1}]; Continue, {n, 1, 100000}]
Zhi-Wei Sun, Jan 11 2009
Mentioned McNeil's verification record for the representation n = p + P_s + 2P_t and his examples for n not of the form p + P_s + 3P_t and n not of the form p + P_s + 4P_t. - Zhi-Wei Sun, Jan 17 2009
D. S. McNeil has verified the conjecture up to 5*10^13. - Zhi-Wei Sun, Jan 20 2009