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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A154508 Numbers k such that appending k to the k-th nonprime yields a prime. 0
3, 7, 9, 19, 23, 41, 43, 53, 57, 59, 63, 67, 97, 141, 147, 177, 221, 237, 239, 251, 281, 289, 291, 299, 313, 333, 339, 343, 363, 367, 373, 379, 383, 449, 457, 459, 463, 467, 489, 497, 503, 507, 527, 529, 539, 547, 563, 569, 579, 583, 597, 599, 601, 603, 607 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
Previous title: "Numbers n if concatenation of n-th nonprime and n = prime."
Indices n such that the concatenation A141468(n)//n yields a prime. - R. J. Mathar, Jan 12 2009
Since 4=nonprime(3) and 43 is prime, 3 is in this sequence.
Since 10=nonprime(7) and 107 is prime, 7 is in this sequence.
Since 14=nonprime(9) and 149 is prime, 9 is in this sequence.
Since 27=nonprime(23) and 3323 is prime, 23 is in this sequence.
Since 56=nonprime(41) and 5641 is prime, 41 is in this sequence, etc.
The sequence A141468 concatenated with the positive nonzero integers begins 1, 12, 43, 64, 85, 96, 107, 128, 149, 1510, 1611, ... Among these terms, 43, 107, and 149 are primes, so 3, 7, and 9 are in this sequence. - Charlie Neder, Dec 23 2018
A141468 := proc(n) option remember ; local a; if n <=2 then n-1 ; else for a from procname(n-1)+1 do if not isprime(a) then RETURN(a) ; fi; od: fi; end: cat2 := proc(a, b) local d; d := max(1, ilog10(b)+1) ; a*10^d+b ; end: for n from 1 to 1000 do p := cat2( A141468(n), n) ; if isprime(p) then printf("%d, ", n ) ; fi; od: # R. J. Mathar, Jan 12 2009
Sequence in context: A032913 A353397 A261072 * A073573 A309328 A059621
Extended by R. J. Mathar, Jan 12 2009
Title corrected by Charlie Neder, Dec 23 2018

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Last modified September 10 16:40 EDT 2024. Contains 375791 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)