Odd positive integers a(n) such that for every integer m == 3 (mod 4) there exists a unique representation of the form m = a(l) + 2*a(s), but there are no such representations for m == 1 (mod 4).
1, 5, 17, 21, 65, 69, 81, 85, 257, 261, 273, 277, 321, 325, 337, 341, 1025, 1029, 1041, 1045, 1089, 1093, 1105, 1109, 1281, 1285, 1297, 1301, 1345, 1349, 1361, 1365, 4097, 4101, 4113, 4117, 4161, 4165, 4177, 4181, 4353, 4357, 4369, 4373, 4417, 4421, 4433
Theorem. A positive odd number is in the sequence iff in its binary expansion all bits in the k-th position from the end, for k=2, 4, 6, ..., are zeros. For example, 337, 341 have binary expansions 101010001, 101010101. Thus both of them are in the sequence. If A(x) is the counting function of a(n) <= x, then A(x)=O(sqrt(x))and Omega(sqrt(x)). If f(x) = Sum_{n>=1} x^a(n), abs(x) < 1, then f(x)*f(x^2) = x^3/(1-x^4); a(n) = 2*A145812(n) - 1.
Every positive odd integer m == 3 (mod 2^(2r)) is a unique sum of the form a(2^(r-1)*(s-1)+1) + a(2^(r-1)*(t-1)+1), r=1,2,..., while other odd integers are not expressible in such form (see also comment to A145812). - Vladimir Shevelev, Oct 21 2008
To get the decomposition of m=4k+3 as the sum a(l)+2*a(s), write m-2 as Sum b_j 2^j, then a(s) = 1 + Sum_{j odd} b_j 2^(j-1). For example, if m=55, then we have 53 = 2^0 + 2^2 + 2^4 + 2^5. Thus a(l) = 1 + 2^4 = 17 and the required decomposition is 55 = a(l) + 2*17, such that a(l)=21. We see that l=4, s=3, i.e., "index coordinates" of 55 are (4,3). Thus we have a one-to-one map of positive integers of the form 4k+3 to the positive lattice points on the plane. - Vladimir Shevelev, Oct 26 2008
Odd terms of A000695 (the Moser-de Bruijn sequence: sums of distinct powers of 4). - Jon E. Schoenfield, Mar 18 2021
aQ[n_] := OddQ[n] && Module[{d = Reverse[IntegerDigits[n, 2]]}, Length[d] < 2 || Max[d[[2;; -1;; 2]]] == 0]; Select[Range[4500], aQ] (* Amiram Eldar, Dec 15 2018 *)
(PARI) isok(n) = {if (n % 2, my(rb = Vecrev(binary(n)), brb = vector(#rb\2, k, rb[2*k])); (#brb == 0) || vecmax(brb) == 0, 0); } \\ Michel Marcus, Dec 15 2018
Sequence in context: A191210 A191143 A032376 * A029986 A076275 A316307
Vladimir Shevelev, Oct 20 2008, Oct 21 2008
Extended beyond a(16) by Klaus Brockhaus, Oct 22 2008